It’s Okay, To NOT To Be OK All the Time!

Abhishek Shah
Published in
3 min readApr 28, 2016

All of us are running. We are going on and on, chasing the daily routine, responsibilities, emotional high rides and overrated expectations. Unrelenting charade of human existence that cannot be explained in plain terms. And we are bound, by the way, to be enslaved to these knots. Most of the time, it’s a given that we are NOT okay.

There is too much to hang on to, too much to expect. Carrying the burden of emotional setbacks, all of us pursue the unknown. Age is not a constraint to feel left out, really. To be okay is the programmed state of mind. To not be okay is the real YOU.

Young and the old alike fight setbacks in their own way. Nobody’s problem is bigger than the other. To each his own. They say, these are different devils at different levels. This battle is for everybody.


Accept the FACT — Obstacles are okay to deal with

It is important for us to understand and accept the state that we are in. It is quite okay to be low in life. It is absolutely natural to suffer a heartbreak in your teens. It is practically possible to be divorced in your early twenties. It is not uncanny that you may get pregnant at 16 and have to plan on being a single mommy. There are millions of people in the world who suffer similar adversities as you. The boat is full, but it isn’t sinking yet.

That Happened, But YOU are Still Here

We give in to the societal pressure so much that the real truth of it goes into the oblivion. Crazy things happen to us as well as crazy people. Go on and label the situation you are in but the truth remains — that crap happened but you have either survived it or living through it. Enduring a trauma is not hard, bearing the brunt of being name called is. Whatever happens, you are still here. You are breathing and living it, facing it with grace and humility.


Time Passes, And So Does the Phase

It is not easy to forget the lost loved one who left you all alone. Moving on becomes a challenge when you have strings still tied to that person or the event that had changed your life. The bottom line is, you are constantly making an honest effort to get past the phase. The best part of it all, situations definitely turn the tide as time lapses.

Be Proud, You ACCEPT That You Are Not Okay

If you are not okay, you are not okay. It’s that simple. Why give in to other’s opinions and mind-sets? Be yourself and explain that you are not okay but getting there. Remind yourself constantly as to how far you had come, battling the past. Enjoy being in the state of solitude and start embracing the inner flaws. After all, these are the ‘dents’ that make your identity. What’s not to love?

Enjoy Those SIMPLE Things

We are so driven and controlled by these external factors in course of growing up. We are lost. Where is that childlike ability to enjoy simple things? Go on and bring back your real self. You have been created to learn, absorb, ingest. Watch the rain, look on as people walk on the pavements, and smile at that beautiful landscape. These visuals matter more than all the wealth and other problems put together.

We keep yearning for someone next to us who would constantly whisper in our ear, ‘keep going, you are doing great’. There is absolutely no need to keep waiting. Let us keep reminding ourselves that we are doing great.



Abhishek Shah

Nomad | Early Stage Investor | Wannabe Anthropologist | Technology Evangelist | Curious, Inquisitive & Experimental Entrepreneur