Why Your Online Business Needs An Expert SEO Consultant

Abhishek Shah
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2016

Going online is easy but staying online is difficult!

Your website or online portal will flourish only when there are sufficient number of takers. Your task doesn’t end at building an interactive website or using the most attractive graphics as this would give you only an initial recognition but the real task starts when the website starts rolling. Your presence on Google would decide how people would look at your business, but at the same time you need to be recognized to be on the top ranks of Google, interesting!

Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first — Wendy Piersall

The marketing of website is quite different from the conventional marketing as there are many statistics that together decide the fate of any website. The businesses may either build an in-house team to look after online marketing or can hire SEO consultant. The second option is more popular due to involved cost, level of expertise and keeping away from hiring hassles.

If your online business is also lacking on right SEO strategy or it is not getting the desired search engine rankings then it is high time you think of hiring SEO consultant to work on the company’s online image and pull in more visitors, but that would help only when you hire the best for your company.

What SEO expert can do for you?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is not just about marketing your website online but it is about reading the market algorithms and going according to the flow. When your SEO strategy matches the market flow, the speed will be doubled and so would be the recognition. Google will put your website on the top as the rankings are decided according to the search criteria and the direction of online traffic.

SEO experts would hit the bull’s eye! They know that there is no value of being on Google page 2 as they believe –

The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of GOOGLE search results!

Hilarious but true!!!

Some wantrepreneurs would also think of carrying out SEO on their own but it won’t help much as –

  • Your business needs you more than anything else. Putting your time in SEO would help but there are many other business functions and strategic decisions awaiting your personal touch.
  • Leaving the work on expert would assure the results. Understanding the search engine algorithms is a time-consuming process. It calls for lot of research and study of the search engine statistics. You would also learn it with time but the SEO Company knows it well due to their experienced team and continuous study of the search engine algorithm.
  • Only professional can do justice to your business and you may require a professional for guaranteed results in given time frame. You cannot wait till you learn the art of SEO as your customers won’t wait as well.

SEO is the need of an hour. Faster you understand this fact, better for your business. Act before it is too late!



Abhishek Shah

Nomad | Early Stage Investor | Wannabe Anthropologist | Technology Evangelist | Curious, Inquisitive & Experimental Entrepreneur