Culture Night Gear Swap With myVolts
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2019

Join myVolts for a Cuture Night music gear swap meet

Maybe snag some freebies while you’re there from myVolts, the makers of the Hot Tip power tester and the Ripcord USB to DC power cable.

Got any music gear gathering dust? Sure you do, so bring it to the myVolts Gear Swap at Dublin Culture Night 2019! Whatever you’re looking to offload: Eurorack modules, synths, effects pedals, MIDI controllers, drum machines, audio interfaces — or anything else!

Stop by, have a hang — we’ll be talking gear, power, and giving away freebies! Alleviate your Gear Acquisition Syndrome guilt at the friendliest environmentally-friendly event of Culture Night. #myVoltsCultureNight

Everyone who stops by and has a chat will get a free myVolts Hot Tip power tester, and anyone who swaps gear will get a free myVolts Ripcord USB to DC power cable! The event is on in The Amphitheatre, in the Liberties and Historic Quarter, from 5pm — 9pm on Culture Night, Friday 20th September.

We’ll be set up for testing, playing, and noise-making too.

So if you’ve got some surplus gear hanging around you can just bring it along on the night. if you want to let people know about it first you should visit this myVolts forum thread, click the Answer button, and share the details with the world. Alternatively, post about it to your social media channel of choice and tag it with #myVoltsCultureNight and/or tag in myVolts they’ll help spread the word. On Instagram they’re @myvolts, on Twitter they’re @myvoltsTweets, and they’re on Facebook too.

You can find out more by firing an email to Caroline from myVolts, or get in touch on Twitter.

Originally published at

