Thunder Token Rises in Value Amid Upbit’s Trading Competition

ThunderCore Team
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2021


On April 14th, Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit held a trading competition for Thunder Token (TT) with a total prize pool of 5 million TT to share among 10 users. The top 10 users with the most transaction volume (buy and sell) were selected as winners.

On April 13th after the announcement of the trading competition, TT’s price had a stark increase of 34%, ranking first amongst the top cryptocurrency gainers in Upbit. On the day of the event, TT’s total transaction volume reached approximately $500 million.

The following is the list of winners of the competition. When the reward exceeds 50,000 KRW, 22% of that will be taxed. See the chart below for the actual amount received:

About ThunderCore

ThunderCore is a secure, high-performance, EVM-compatible public blockchain with its own native currency, TT. With a breakthrough consensus protocol that overcomes the scalability “trilemma” called PaLa, the ThunderCore network offers 4,000+ TPS, 1 second confirmation times, and low gas fees that cost less than a fraction of a cent, giving decentralized applications security and scalability.

Currently, ThunderCore has an international user base that spans across more than 100 countries.

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