New Pussy Challenge Day #10: Make pussy juice!

Tylea Simone
Thundress Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2018

This is the best thing I’ve ever done in my whole entire life. And I need yall to get in on it!

Ok here’s the deal: get some cool vintage looking bottles (these are from Goodwill, they were $1), some fake plastic flowers from the dollar store, cotton balls, food coloring, glitter and whatever other cool shit you can find around the house. Mix them into the bottle with some water until you get the aesthetic you’re looking for. Then put a label on the bottles, call it “pussy juice” or “pussy potion” “magic vag elixir” “agua de panty” or whatever you want. Then leave them in conspicuous places around your house and let the hilarity ensue.

Make dinner for bae and pretend to sprinkle some in their food. Or leave it in the fridge and then ask them to pass you the hot sauce. Or leave it on your coffee table when company comes over. And then watch their faces as they realize you are a vagina sorceress and they are completely at your mercy. Even if it’s just water and plastic flowers, you’d be amazed at how powerful you feel. And when you feel powerful you are poweful.

Although they aren’t “technically” magic, they remind me that pussies still scare the hell out of a lot of people. And that is annoying and problematic but also why not have a bit of fun with it? The world is a steaming pile of shit, I will take the laughs where I can get them. And honestly I’ve had some really funny conversations starting from this.

Bonus points if you make drinkable pussy juice and/or put real pussy juice in there and/or make a testicle collection (I know I’m so immature lol) 😂😂😂 Please take pictures no matter what.


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