Case Study: Improved Health Through Improved Diet with Balanced Kitchen

The Thunkable Team
Thunkable Thoughts
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2021

Tonyo Tonev spent his career building, delivering, and maintaining critical internet and communication systems in his home country of Bulgaria. He started as a technical support engineer and rose to Chairman of the Board over the course of 27 years. But after his wife had a health scare, his attention shifted from networks to healthcare. As Tonyo said, “it all started at a restaurant with a friend of mine that is a chef. My wife’s hormone levels were at abnormal levels and the medical staff wanted to try different options. During the conversation with my friend, who is a chef, he mentioned that there are alternative options. A simple change of diet could address the problem in a more natural way.” The trio decided to try this alternative approach to see if it would work for Tonyo’s wife.

Sure enough, doctors returned good news that showed the hormone levels had returned to normal. At this point, the partners realized this diet-let healthcare approach could be a service, as thousands of others needed help addressing their healthcare issues. And with that, Balanced Kitchen was born.

Between the two partners, they had the technical abilities and the diet knowledge to uniquely blend these two entirely different fields into one core business. Tonyo got to work developing a business model and delivery model, while his partner built out the diet plans. The plan was to create a custom meal service that came fully prepared and included only natural ingredients. Every meal was specifically curated for each person based on the questionnaire they completed. The team would create breakfast, lunch, and dinner items that fit their customer’s health requirements and goals.

When the team started to grow their business, they needed to make things scalable to keep pace with demand. Doing individual consultations, surveys, and meal-prep was doable but not for much longer, as the clientele kept growing. Tonyo launched a website that included an overview of the company, meal packages, and more. But he also needed a way to engage users on a more personal level and keep them engaged in the delivery process. After all, one meal wouldn’t show any positive health improvement. Customers need to adhere to the plan for the long term to see the same benefits as Tonyo’s wife.

The Balanced Kitchen turned to Thunkable to create an app to streamline the process and provide a more engaging experience. Tonyo states, “the challenge was how to make the food program accessible to everyone. The standard (of diet quality) in Bulgaria is very low and a large part of the population cannot afford quality food. Keeping people engaged and adhering to the plan with an app was the only way to go.”

With Thunkable, the team rapidly built a native mobile app for their users to accompany their website. “Obesity caused by poor nutrition is a global problem. Thanks to Thunkable, I hope to create an application that will help many people, from all over the world, improve their diet. This will be my contribution to the fight against obesity,” said Tonyo.

Balanced Kitchen provides full-service meal-based healthcare solutions in Bulgaria. And this small, unlikely team of a communications networks chairman and a professional chef are doing their part to change the world’s eating habits. Arun Saigal, CEO of Thunkable, said, “giving people the tools to solve real-world issues, like malnutrition, is what we strive to do. We know Thunkable plays a very small role in their effort but the fact this team could build a business, without raising capital or pitching their idea, is phenomenal. Balanced Kitchen’s efforts can change the world and that is what we are all about.”

If you are interested in learning more about Balanced Kitchen, check out their website here and their app here.

And if you are interested in building an app to support your life-changing business, check out Thunkable, where we make it easy to turn your ideas into a reality with a simple drag-and-drop, no-code app building platform.



The Thunkable Team
Thunkable Thoughts

Thunkable is the no-code platform to build powerful, native mobile apps.