New Features and COVID-19 Updates is the no-code platform for building mobile and web apps

Jimmy Haber
Thunkable Thoughts
2 min readMay 7, 2020


Dear Thunkers,

We hope you are healthy and safe.

As the world deals with the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19, companies and brands are fighting to stay relevant and for the most part, are filling your inboxes with messages that you don’t need to read.

We decided not to do that.

For Thunkable, we decided that the best thing we can do, is to keep working on the platform and give space to doctors and scientists.

But when it comes to apps and pandemics, there are a few things you need to know.

The Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store have been strictly monitoring all apps and new submissions related to COVID-19. For the most part, these apps will not be accepted unless they are from a “recognized entity”.

This is responsible.

We encourage app creators to stay up-to-date with new guidance from app stores, and we will continue to provide updates.

On our end, we’ve been working hard to bring you a variety of new features, especially because most people are confined to their homes and are looking for ways to pass the time, explore an idea, or build the next big app!

Most importantly, we hope that no matter where you are in the world, you are safe.

All the best,
Team Thunkable

New Features and Functionality

Responsive Web Apps

Last month we released the ability to publish projects as mobile web apps. This means that you can publish your app, directly (and instantly!) to the web.

We just released new features that will enable you to deploy your projects as responsive web apps, that will scale across different screens.

Responsive web apps will also make it much easier to collect screenshots when publishing to the iOS App Store.

Data Viewer

With the Data Viewer, you can easily connect a data source, like Google Sheets or Airtable, directly to Thunkable and display information without using any blocks.

Featured Profiles and Projects

Featured profiles will showcase top apps from power thunkers. They can be identified by the new “featured” badge, displayed under your profile’s username and picture. If you’d like your profile to be featured, please let us know!

