Week Eight: Colin Ep. 2 — Attack of the Colins

Published in
1 min readMar 7, 2017

Yes, that’s a very poorly executed Star Wars joke. I don’t know what else you’d expect from me.

I actually wore my hair like this to go see Rogue One in theaters… for the first time.

Anyway, this weekend I was supposed to go on a date with a dude named Colin. No, not the one from this summer with all the confusing feelings… a different dude named Colin. (Well, not actually named that, because #allnamesarechanged here on ThursDating but they have the same real name and it’s weird.)

We met on Hinge (yeah, I’ve expanded beyond Tinder and Bumble — more to come on that). Then his brother came into town for the weekend, and he couldn’t meet up. So we’re going tomorrow… TuesDating! He asked me to pick a bar and said he’d pick a restaurant, which officially makes this my most substantial (as in not just ‘grabbing drinks’) date yet! There’s going to be food involved! Food!!!

I’ll post an update with all the hot goss on New Colin after our date.

