Week Two: Ya Girl Gets Ghosted

Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2017
Spoiler alert: this was one of the more successful conversations of Week Two.

After an unsuccessful first week, it was time for a fresh start! High hopes! And then…

Early this week, I completed my punishment of choice: I messaged every single dude I matched with on Bumble for a full 24 hours. I was heaving myself bodily out of my comfort zone every 10 minutes (…ish). I was dragging my heavy limbs into the 21st century dating world. I was saying the dumbest shit to the dumbest dudes. And it was paying off!

I matched with Jason.

We talked a bit over the course of the next few days. He worked in Brooklyn, lived in Union Square. He asked if I wanted to get a drink. I said yes. He asked if I’d pick the place. I said yes. On Thursday, he asked if Friday worked. I said yes.

ThursDate: IN THE BAG.

Luckily, professional obligations on Friday kept me from panicking about the idea of actually going on a date for the first time in six months, and 5 pm quickly rolled around. Tired and finally feeling first-date anxiety setting in, I ate the better part of a bag of Goldfish crackers and messaged Jason saying I was free whenever he was. No message back. My friends started discussing getting together for a party that night. No message. I decided I’d get ready and see. Still no response. Makeup done: nothing from Jason. I finished the bag of Goldfish.

(Goldfish crackers: proud sponsor of ThursDating.)

I went to the party, assuming I’d just meet up with Jason from there.

By the time I looked down at the time and realized that it was no longer a time that a ‘date’ could happen, I’d had like… 2 drinks and a glass of wine, so it wasn’t too harsh of a blow to the ol’ psyche. But it hit me later: I’d been stood up! Sorta!

As today (Saturday) has rolled on, it’s become increasingly clear that this is a ghost situation — there’s been no communication from Jason since I agreed to a drink on Thursday. I don’t think that this one is on me, frankly; I know I’ve gone two weeks without a date, and within the premise of the project that’s not good news, but on the other hand I DID actually have a date by Thursday at midnight— he just didn’t show up. That’s reason #2 that I don’t think this failure to date is punishment-worthy.

Reason #1 is… I have a date for Tuesday.

With a dude that I’m actually enthusiastic about (sorry, Jason).

No, it doesn’t ‘count’ for the project. But I’m still excited.

Fingers crossed for a double-date Week Three… deets forthcoming.

