Journaling Ideas For When You Don’t Know What to Write About

Journaling should be about self-preservation and creative freedom.

Megan Portorreal


Photo by Timothy L Brock on Unsplash

After a photo of my stack of journals went viral on Tumblr a few years ago, many people told me how badly they wished they were “good” at journaling, too. Many people said, “I wish I was this patient and dedicated” and “I wish my life was actually exciting enough to write about.” While journaling does take some patience and dedication, needing an “exciting” life in order to keep a journal is often a misconception. I guarantee there is something interesting and revealing about everyone’s life, every day. You just have to know how to look.

As someone who has been journaling for over 16 years, it’s safe to say I have a lot of practice with documenting my life. And since my life hasn’t always been the most “exciting,” I’ve gotten rather good at pulling gems out of the mundane.

The one question everyone always asks me when they see my stack of journals is this: “What the hell do you actually write about?”

The answer, you’ll find, is something you can write about, too.

Write about a specific moment in your day.



Megan Portorreal

Professional writer, editor, and creative in the New York City area.