The stories of Smartboard

Thuy Muoi
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2013

Smartboard has been getting lots of publicity recently, from the US to Singapore and Vietnam. It’s undoubtedly a great technology that we’re exciting to work on days and nights. For the last four months, each Greengar team members could not even get more than 40 hours of sleeping per week.

We have a team member who is getting married, who is still spending more time on his codes rather than his wedding project.

I personally don’t even have time to spend with my family in the entire Lunar New Year because of preparation for the Women 2.0 Conference.

But why are we doing all this? Here are the reasons:

  • Nathan Smith: At the age of 3, he was diagnosed with Autism and Apraxia, two diagnose said more about what he could NOT do that what he could do. His remarkable inner drive and contagious smile encourage therapists, teachers, family and friends to believe in him and give him opportunities to learn and succeed. Speaking through typing on an iPad has given Nathan great opportunities to share his thoughts and excel. He will earn high school diploma this year and entering university. He has GREAT success in using Whiteboard among others in the iPad.
  • South Shore Educational Collaborative: provides specialized education, counseling, and therapeutic services for approsximately 350 individuals with moderate to intense learning, intellectual, emotional, physical, and medical challenges. They have been using Whiteboard to enable their students collaborative on syllable game, multiple choices questions, tackle and analyzing the problems without have to share pen and paper. Moreover, they use Whiteboard to give direction for autism kids of what they need to do next. They are demanding Bluetooth-collaborative on Smartboard and the Wi-Fi accessible in 8 schools in their district to enable 100 more students collaborative using Whiteboard.

They are the two stories among hundred of other stories that we wish to share about our users of Whiteboard and Smartboard. When Elliot developed Whiteboard 4 years ago, it was just a class project. The first version of Whiteboard, releasing on Cydia for beta users, has been put together within only one month. He hacked days and nights on the codes and Whiteboard hit one million downloads within the first 2 months on the AppStore. We have never thoughts about being the most popular collaborative drawing applications on mobile, but we are right now.

In the last four years, regardless how much the technology has been change, resolutions and displays have been changed, the commitment of Greengar team stayed the same with the Whiteboard product:delivering the most useful applications for people to collaborate on mobile productive and effectively.

Since the Women 2.0 Conference, our team finished as a Runner-up and have so much attentions from press, media, and investors from all around the world. It’s very exciting! However, what really made all of our efforts, lack of sleep and scarifying family-time are really the stories that shared by our users. Each lines of codes we are writing and each dollars we spend to bootstrap this company in the last four years are totally worth it.

I’m thrill for the future of Greengar and wake up everyday like our journey has just begun.

I really hope we could find a partner who are crazy enough to bring Smartboard to every classroom in the world and changing more people lives together

By Thuy Muoi — Co-Founder/CEO

Ho Chi Minh City, peaceful night at Central Garden Apartment



Thuy Muoi

“It is not about making your products special, but about making users feel special using your products”