PODCAST 061: Messiah Flow

Thx Bud
Published in
1 min readNov 3, 2014

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A slump? Already? Sort of. The Kings have gone 0–4 on their road trip thanks to uncharacteristic play. Jordan Nolan also decided getting suspended was exactly what the team needed right now. On the bride side, both Anze Kopitar and Marian Gaborik are back and looking real good. Justin Williams has also had a week of both hilarious and gruesome surprises. We take a little time to catch up on what Kings prospects have been up to, and Chanelle praises Mike Richards for the second week in a row. Hear it to believe it.



Thx Bud
Writer for

LA Kings podcast & blog, run by two dope girls, Chanelle Berlin and Diane Phan.