Epic Roadmap, Utility Edition ⏭ What’s next for THX Network?

Peter Polman
Published in
5 min readJul 7, 2022

In the last six months the devs at THX Network have been working diligently to release new functionality after new functionality, as presented in the roadmap article we published in the final stretch of 2021. Now the team is spending their time on refining the already released product and are hunting for any bugs, it’s time to look ahead.

Roadmap Epics 2022

For readability and project management purposes, upcoming releases and functionalities are divided into eight different themes; Utility, personalisation, collaboration, distribution, business, security, configurability and people. Together with our customers and product users we decide which themes should be prioritized. To not ask too much of your valuable time at once, we’ll gradually release more detailed information about the upcoming releases, in the following weeks.

If you’re a THX Network user and are eagerly awaiting updates on themes that aren’t mentioned in this article, feel free to reach out at any time!

Theme: Utility

Epic: Token swaps
👷🛠 Technical plans

Allow for token swaps in the THX Network Web Wallet, based on predetermined conditions. The pool owner will be able to set parameters for a swap, like a multiplier (i.e. token A is worth 4x token B) and the token address it can be swapped against.

✨🚀 Use case

Create value with (and for) partners! Let’s say you earned 1000 tokens at your local cinema for watching the latest Marvel film. In their dashboard, the cinema has configured token swaps for their partners’ platforms, based on the utility value of their partners’ tokens and redeem options. This allows users to swap their $CINEMA tokens for, let’s say, $POPCORN, $BEER or $STUDENT tokens. Allowing your community members to spend tokens in your partners’ ecosystems (and visa versa!)

Epic: Cross Chain Payments
👷🛠 Technical plans

We envision a multi-chain future for THX Network and maintain a list of potential EVM based blockchains. Some first steps have already been taken for this to happen, as we are experimenting with utilizing the Polygon POS bridge to allow ERC20 payments into THX Pools on layer 2 Polygon from layer 1 Ethereum.

✨🚀 Use case

While we love the Polygon network for its speed, eco-friendliness and low gas cost, providing more flexibility for our customers is always a positive. This also allows projects, creators and organizations that have already started their web3 journey on other chains to adopt THX Network as their partner for engaging and uniting their communities.

Epic: Chat bots
👷🛠 Technical plans

THX Network already has built-in support for Discord and Slack, but since the demand for those features is not high, we’ve decided to push expanding and refining them forward.

Learn how the THX Bot can engage and reward community members on Discord on Top.gg

✨🚀 Use case

The possibilities are endless, but chatbots are usually implemented to automate recurring processes. You can utilize bots to automatically reward users for being active in Discord communities, allow users to give eachother rewards (tokens or NFTs) by giving specific emoji reactions or keep track of which users are most active in your community and reward them accordingly.

Epic: NFT Authorization
👷🛠 Technical plans

Publish an SDK to gate content sections in software, or on websites, with NFT ownership validation through our login system. This means that users can login with their THX Network credentials to get access, based on ownership of certain NFT’s.

Fictional excerpt from the use case deck for Athletes, available https://docs.thx.network

✨🚀 Use case

Providing your community members with exclusive content, experiences or utility based on the NFT’s they have in their THX Network wallet. Let’s say you want to drive offline event attendance and reward your loyal fans for showing up. You create an NFT that users only can claim at the offline event, rewarding them for their attendance. For an upcoming meeting, you create a pre-register section on your website that’s only accessible for those NFT owners, allowing your active community members to purchase a front-row seat again.

Stay up to date on THX Network 🚨

Can’t wait until next week to learn about future product updates? Join our Discord, Telegram or Twitter channels to get the latest and greatest information. Make sure to check out our monthly community update & AMA sessions on our Discord or check the screencast on our YouTube channel. Hope to see you there!

About THX Network 🤜🤛

When receiving something nice, the logical reply is “thanks”! THX Network allows you to create and embed tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) uses THX Network to reward engagement on their employee and policymaker platform called SparkBlue. Over 70.000 transactions and counting have been performed on behalf of UNDP users using THX Network’s infrastructure.

Engaging your audience is as easy as 1–2–3 using THX Network, from our Slide Deck for Athletes.

Explore more about the protocol;

And if you’re interested in what THX Network can do for you or your organization, schedule a demo with our cofounder Mieszko.

Schedule a THX Network demo using https://calendly.com/mieszko/demo

Let’s meet in our communities
Discord 👾
X 🦤
Telegram ✈️
YouTube 📺

Get the $THX token
Balancer (Polygon) ⚖️
1Inch (Polygon) 🐉

Other resources
Developer and campaign manager docs 📋
Code on Github 🛠️
Audit report 🕵️

Jule Landwehr, Mieszko Czyzyk, Peter Polman and Natasha Schön from the THX core team, summer 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — photo by Rudolfo Dalamicio

