Latest API release (0.1.10) and the road to mainnet 🛣️

Peter Polman
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2020

A lot has happened since our last development update! We have been making great progress with two major revisions to the API and the wallet application. If that wasn’t already enough, we also migrated to a different sidechain solution (but more on that later).

We’d first like to share a quick overview of the most important changes and improvements. If you want more details, read our full documentation.

Swagger helps with documenting our API. You can find it at
  • Wallet: Refactored the smart contract layer (prepping for audit)
    A full refactor is finished and up for review at Evert. We’re currently implementing a metasign mechanism that will function as a gas station on the Matic child chain. This is on schedule for an audit in late November or early December.

• Wallet: Implement smart contract proxies for upgradeability purposes
We decided to move away from the OpenZeppelin upgrade patterns and implement the more flexible diamond pattern at a later stage. This will help solve some storage challenges as well.

• Wallet: Implement Firestore for Vuex datastore
We reduced the feature scope of the wallet and moved those features to an API level. We will reintroduce them in a later stage, but then by consuming the THX API. The wallet’s main function, for now, will be providing signed transactions to the API.

• Slack Proxy: List pool members
With the current emphasis on offering REST API integrations this feature has also moved to API level and can be consumed by client applications.

• Slack Proxy: leaderboard for rewards in pool
The same goes for this feature; its priority has been lowered and client apps should be able to use the API to create a feature like this. We are in the process of redefining the necessary feature scope of social integrations like the Slack app and will potentially reintroduce features like this again.

Side-chain migration to Matic (✔️done)

THX currently uses a sidechain for fast and free transactions. To ‘future proof’ our solution, we migrated the current implementation to the Matic Network. Matic Network brings massive scale to Ethereum using an adapted version of Plasma with PoS based sidechains.

We’re excited that Matic is supporting the migration as part of their ‘Developer Support Program’. You can read more about this on our Gitcoin page.

The road to mainnet 🌐

We are steadily moving towards mainnet release over the coming months. Our roadmap to mainnet consists of these milestones:

  1. Code review existing code base (September) — ✔️done
  2. Migration to Matic (October) — ✔️done
  3. External code audit (November, early December)
  4. Mainnet and launching customer deployment (January)

We will keep you updated as we progress!

About THX
THX enables gamified incentives in any app, increasing engagement, and lowering administrative costs. Use cases include peer-to-peer funding and gamified payments. THX is designed ‘developer first’; thanks to a user-friendly API, you integrate it easily with your app.

Follow us on Twitter (@THXProtocol) to stay tuned for further updates! Or schedule a live demo below.

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