Product Roadmap 🛠🛣🚗

THX Network’s product focus in Q1 2022 and beyond!

Peter Polman
6 min readDec 13, 2021


After creating liquidity for $THX on Balancer and QuickSwap, as described in our last Medium article, this is a great moment to set our sights on the future development of the THX Network protocol. As a reminder, THX Network is a blockchain-powered protocol that allows you to create and embed your own tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank.

Use cases for the created tokens/pools include loyalty programs, the offering of collectibles by creators, cashbacks, and engagement incentives. Read more about it in our Pitch Deck or check out the website for our currently supported integrations for Discord, Slack & Drupal.

Disclaimer: As these plans are still under development we might run into restrictions that will influence how some of the examples given below will be implemented. Please take this into consideration when reading; these are our plans, not promises.

Disclaimer #2: The screenshots shared here are mockups (so not final designs yet) in which we use fictional examples. If you’re a creator and are interested in creating your own tokens, schedule a talk with Mieszko 😉)

That being said, let’s have a look at our plans for the near future!

Q4 2021 — Focus for remainder of the year 🎉

In the announcement article about our partnership with SBRecords we explain how creating and distributing your own token can help creators capitalize on their intellectual capital. To make sure they can get the most out of their existing communities, we’re developing ways to connect with services their users are already active on.

Single Sign On (Google & Twitter)

👷🛠 Technical plans: Extend the authorization server with authentication methods that enable users to authenticate through external services without email verification or other thresholds. Once authenticated we are able to request data from those services on their behalf.

Example of Google Single Sign On for fictional token $SURF.

✨🚀 Use case: Connecting with Google and Twitter opens up possibilities for engagement based rewards on YouTube and Twitter. We need a way to validate this user engagement, so after completing this, we’ll focus on the next step; conditional rewards.

Conditional Rewards

👷🛠 Technical plans: Configure social conditions for rewards in THX Dashboard so only users that are eligible for those conditions are able to claim the token rewards.

THX Network users will be able to create conditional rewards in their dashboard.

✨🚀 Use case: Creators can incentivize Retweeting, liking videos on YouTube or subscribing to a channel by giving out tokens to fans who completed that engagement. This provides value for both creators (more fans/algorithm boosts) and fans (receiving tokens they can spend in creators’ ecosystems).

Token Reward URLs/QR’s

👷🛠 Technical plans: Provide one-click URLs and QR codes that instantly redirect to sign-in/signup, followed up by a token reward claim in THX Web Wallet.

Example of onboarding new users to the THX Network, utilizing existing fanbases and channels.

✨🚀 Use case: Onboarding new users to the THX Network infrastructure where they can create a THX Web Wallet and claim their rewards.

Lockup Contract

👷🛠 Technical plans: Deploy contracts that lock and manage de outflow of investor tokens for the designed lockup period of 1 year since the start of the Fair Launch Auction.

✨🚀 Use case: Preventing a private investor selloff after the launch has completed. Note that currently no private investors hold their tokens yet (but did sign SAFTs), so this will happen only after this step is completed.

Q1 2022 — New year, new focus 🎇

Extend SSO Channels

👷🛠 Technical plans: Add Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Spotify to the list of channels eligible for conditional rewards and integrate them in the authorization provider.

Expanding SSO channels allows creators and companies to add new dimensions to their community engagement, develop new business models, and drive new revenue streams.

✨🚀 Use case: Allowing token/pool creators to reward users on even more platforms, using conditional rewards. Feel free to reach out to us on our Discord server if you have a use case on another platform in mind and we’ll see if we can add it to the list.

Transaction Queue

👷🛠 Technical plans: Mechanism to queue API requested blockchain transactions with a retry mechanism and gas optimization to ensure tx throughput.

✨🚀 Use case: Prevents user engagement not being rewarded when gas pricing is too high or transactions fail for other reasons.

JavaScript SDK

👷🛠 Technical plans: Release a library that encapsulates all API functionality in an easy to use JavaScript client, so developers working on integrations don’t have to worry about authorization, polling and deprecating endpoints with incorrect payloads.

✨🚀 Use case: Technical stuff, most users won’t notice this. Basically makes it easier for developers to work with our software and integrate it in their existing platforms.

Token Redeems

👷🛠 Technical plans: Add a section to Web Wallet where engagement tokens can be redeemed for creator assets.

✨🚀 Use case: The assets can eventually be anything the token/pool creator has in mind. First focus is to create the ability to generate and buy keys/codes that can be utilized on the creators’ platform, i.e. access codes for premium content or (discount) codes to buy merchandise in an existing store.


👷🛠 Technical plans: Create ERC-721 token collections in THX dashboard with uploaded media stored forever on IPFS or Arweave.

Mockup for a ERC-721 collectible by a bike content creator.

✨🚀 Use case: Again, greatly depends on the users creating them. Extreme sporters can turn a video of their latest trick into a collectible, creators can issue a NFT collection or even tokenize physical objects like a painting.

Next up in 2022

Amongst other things we will start finetuning the design of the protocol, together with the community. In that same spirit we’re also putting more time and effort towards decentralization of the applications in our ecosystem. This means using gateways like Metamask and Wallet Connect for THX Web Wallet and enabling the governance layer in the asset pools to manage pool rewards and withdrawals with a group of people.

About THX Network

When receiving something nice, the logical reply is “thanks”! That’s why we created the THX Network, a blockchain-powered protocol that allows you to create and embed your own tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) uses THX Network to reward engagement on their employee and policymaker platform called SparkBlue. Over 70.000 transactions and counting have been performed on behalf of UNDP users using THX Network’s infrastructure!

If you’re interested in what THX Network can do for you or your organization, schedule a demo with our founder Mieszko.

Schedule a THX Network demo using

Let’s meet in our communities
Discord 👾
Twitter 🐦
Telegram ✈️

Let’s meet in our communities
Discord 👾
X 🦤
Telegram ✈️
YouTube 📺

Get the $THX token
Balancer (Polygon) ⚖️
1Inch (Polygon) 🐉

Other resources
Developer and campaign manager docs 📋
Code on Github 🛠️
Audit report 🕵️

Jule Landwehr, Mieszko Czyzyk, Peter Polman and Natasha Schön from the THX core team, summer 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — photo by Rudolfo Dalamicio

