Transcript AMA /w MaticNews 📝

Jorrit Horstman
Published in
19 min readDec 16, 2021

On the 6th of December the THX Network team organized an AMA on Telegram with MaticNews. They’re one of the largest non-official Polygon groups. Their Telegram channel has a lot of active and knowledgeable members; a great place to answer some questions!

If you’ve got questions or ideas that weren’t addressed during this AMA, feel free to drop by on our official Discord or Telegram!

Below you can find the transcript of the AMA, formatted for readability and a few typo’s but other than that it’s complete. Happy reading!

Get $THX now that the launch has been completed

Oh and since the Token Launch has ended since this AMA was held you can now purchase $THX on these decentralized exchanges (DEXs):

About THX Network 🤜🤛

When receiving something nice, the logical reply is “thanks”! THX Network allows you to create and embed tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank. Explore more about the protocol in;

And if you’re interested in what THX Network can do for you or your organization, schedule a demo with our founder Mieszko.

Transcript starts below this visual

MaticNews.Com, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:02:54]:
AMA WILL START NOW ! CHAT WILL BE MUTED during the AMA but you can ask your questions when it is finished.

In the first part the guests will reply to my questions that you all can read and follow here, then after the AMA is finished, they’ll reply to your questions for approximately 15 minutes (or as long as they want).

We are probably the most active group on Polygon and I know many of you would like to know more about this project, but please be patient, you’ll be allowed to ask your questions after the AMA!

Don’t forget, in order to be eligible for the rewards, please follow all accounts in the last pinned message!

This ask me anything (AMA) session is for general information purposes only! The messages you read here in this group during the AMA and outside the AMA are not investment advice! Please do your own research!

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:03:16]:
A pleasure have you here with us today guys! Let’s start with an introduction of you and your team! Which are your past experiences and roles?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:04:29]:
Mieszko here CEO, I have always been curious about computing since childhood. Online since the beginning of the web in the early 90. Yes I’m 👴 hahaha

Studied Industrial Engineering but dropped out to start my own business. Have cofounded a digital agency and a SaaS company called Open Social, which I sold end of 2019 before starting THX Network.

My main skill set next to entrepreneurship is digital marketing. But since I’m a nerd, I got into blockchain tech early on; I have been mining $LTC with a friend back in 2013. Unfortunately those coins were lost when the mining farm rugged us 😩

over to you Peter…

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:05:53]:
I’m Peter, been programming since I was a kid, almost a highschool dropout since I was already making my money but decided that it would be good practice to finish what I started

Worked as an independent contractor almost my whole professional career (and quite some years together with Mieszko) bearing various roles like drupal themer, javascript engineer, scrum master and currently frontend architect

Started working with Solidity smart contracts back in 2016/2017 and since then dedicated half my weekly capacity into researching and developing potential opportunities for this space

Thats about it 😅

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:08:21]:
Nice background guys, I feel the same as you for many stuff, just more in the designer segment. I think crypto it’s giving today to whom really want work hard and have good ideas incredible opportunities

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:08:34]:
Yeah really interesting space, agree

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:08:38]:
Unfortunately I think that all mining farm at that period was a scam
Or ponzis

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:09:02]:
Haha yes, ours was called ‘bunny’ something. didn’t end well

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:09:34]:
Many people lost money, unfortunately
Mine was mining finance
Lmao Same end

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:10:12]:
Was a nice experience, and a nice rig. Three graphic cards, sounded like an airplane

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:10:53 (5 Dec 2021 at 15:11:03)]:
Exactly. This experience give the first move advantage before almost the rest of the world. And i thx network in can totally see this experience

Out of curiosity, why did you choose this name?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:11:51]:
THX is short for “thanks”, the logical reply for when one receives something from someone 🤝
Together with the tagline “a token of appreciation” we thought it covers both the purpose of the product and hints to the utility of the system 🙌

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:13:28]:
Oh! That’s such a good and simple idea. I can totally confirm that your protocol is really a utility protocol, with a real life use case.

What is THX Network? Please give us a brief introduction of the project!

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:14:07]:
It’s an application ecosystem that allows companies to embed tokens within their running web2 software without the need of web3 knowledge.

strong emphasis on that web2 audience, since we really focus on getting that mainstream adoption

is that brief enough? I can elaborate more ofcourse 😉

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:16:36]:
I think it’s a perfect introduction and during this AMA we will go more in depth on it! About the mainstream adoption, Tell us a bit more about the funding that you received from the European Union?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:17:43]:
We have received grants in both the Blockpool (No 82888) and BlockIS (No 824509) accelerators. Grants are great because you don’t need to sell equity or tokens early on 💸

You can Google them for more details
It’s a great funding opportunity, happy that EU provides it

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:18:18]:
That’s a very important point when you invest in a project
Because many times VCs or private investors cash out on small investors

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:18:54]:
Exactly and now we kept the funding public

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:19:27]:
And we were enabled to build out our product bit by bit of course

With the Blockpool grant we moved our proof of concept towards a beta release of the API with the UNDP community platform Sparkblue(.org) as its launching customer
And for BlockIS we have introduced EIP-2535 (Diamonds) to our contract layer and started improving our application authorization layer with the OAuth2 (OIDC) standard

The audit done on our contract layer was also part of this scope

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:20:55]:
👏 peter gives a great rundown of the inner workings of THX Network in this article

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:21:33]:
Thanks for the further explanation, I also strongly suggest everyone to search in google about the founding because it’s a very good way to start a project with a long run aim.

Thanks for share the medium article😁 On which chains is your protocol currently available? Are there any plans to support new ones?

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:22:59]:
Currently you can deploy our Asset Pools on Polygon Main and (Mumbai) Testnet

Our architecture is designed to support a multi chain approach in the near future and we already have EVM based chains asking us to deploy our protocol there. So a multi chain future for THX is very likely:)

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:24:41]:
Simple and clear explanation, indeed polygon imho it’s the best chain to start develop. Very low fees and also fast, perfect for adoption.

Can you give us some examples of use cases of your protocol?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:25:29]:
You use THX Network to give incentives for user engagement in your platform or to your marketing audiences.

This comes down to loyalty and engagement programs that reward certain behaviour with tokens or collectibles.

The possibilities are endless really..!
At UNDP we incentivize employee engagement
For creators we engage fans and watching content

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:27:05]:
yeah and at UNDP they also benefit from more insight in the value creation within their community since token rewards are directly tied to valuable member actions

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:28:31]:
Basically your protocol boost the engagement of whom use it rewarding the most active users, is it correct to assume?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:29:06]:
Yes, but also encouraging less active members

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:31:17]:
You can already use it to some extend! We’re running in beta currently and working actively on more social integrations

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:32:10]:
Amazing to hear, so in your opinion whom are the potential users of your platform?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:32:45]:
We focus on creators/makers and startups first, but basically anyone that is willing to embrace the power of tokenization.

Our goal is to create easy to use tooling that enables you to embed tokens in your workflow and create new business models on top of that.

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:33:52]:
Which are the features that make THX Network unique?

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:34:26]:
We embraced a couple of concepts and integrations which together are aimed to lower the user experience (UX) barrier for non crypto natives as much as possible

Take for example our Torus integration so we can handle key management and don’t burden our users with the risk of losing their private keys

Also the EIP-2535 Diamonds integration, so we can work around the current smart contract limitations

Or our dedicated OIDC provider (no Auth0) so we are ready to scale the infrastructure to the moon🚀

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:36:10]:
This is I think it’s the key point, in the future whom will be able to scale better will basically destroy the competitors.
Polygon for instance it’s already working 100% 24/7 on this.

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:36:44]:
Yeah 100%, thats why it is important to already make the right choices early on. Going for Polygon more than a year ago was one of them

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:37:01]:
Indeed, this for instance in bsc wasn’t possible at same quality

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:37:38]:
Wow! Congrats to be that far-sighted !
Which are the benefits for those that decide to adopt your solutions?

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:38:09]:
Well, I guess the most important benefit is in the fact that developers that want to integrate with THX require zero web3 knowledge

They should be able to set up an integration in days instead of weeks
Lowering those costs should in our opinion be a great driver for mainstream adoption

Next to that is our API that takes away the gas costs required to do anything on a blockchain. We think this is another important benefit for most users that want their audiences to onboard in web3.

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:44:08]:
Indeed I confirm that in polygon there is no currently other projects with this concept. By the way, Is it still possible to join your pre-sale/auction on Copperlaunch? Please tell us everything about it!

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:44:38]:
Yes, absolutely there are about 9 hours left!

It has been going great so far with about 80% already sold out. Our launch was kinda unique in that it took 14 days, much longer than most Copper launches. But now you need to be quick haha 🏃🏃

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:45:24]:
Can you share a link about the auction?
MaticNews team it’s in since the launch day 😎

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:45:42]:
Participate in the THX — USDC token launch auction
there you go!

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:45:56]:
Was very interesting for a reason, on copper eth fees are insane. While in your case in polygon you can really but 200/300$ without spend more on fees

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:46:35]:
yeah I think gas on ETH is an issue for mainstream adoption, especially for first time users. On Ethereum I should say

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:46:57]:
I joined yesterday an auction and I spent 400$ 😅

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:47:18]:
fortunately there are L2s solving this problem, including Polygon

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:47:20]:
Your decision to make it only polygon was really a wise and good idea. I hope everyone in the future will do it.

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:47:56]:
Big ups to the
Copper team too of course, we aligned pretty well

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:48:23]:
100% copper team has been great

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:48:30]:
Indeed, we had always nice talks with them. Very supportive and with a very good concept. About the tokenomics, Why did you choose this model?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:49:16]:
We saw that most utility tokens from back in 2017–18 aren’t doing so great.
Co-creation with your community through voting is really important
It creates both value and a better product.
1000 people know more than 10 🧠

And next to this; the potential of earning fees is critical to build a self sustainable ecosystem. So there you go; governance and fees are critical for the design

Oh one more important note. We, as the core team, cannot activate the fees ourselves. This needs to be done by the community at a much later stage, a couple of years out from now

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:52:02]:
I think also for a reason: 2017/2018 tokens was ICOs on ideas
Crazy gains at start but 99.9% dead because of no ability to execute it

Big thumbs up for this!
How does THX Network generate profits?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:52:21]:
yeah crazy times, but it did bring a lot of people and capital into the space. the best survived :)

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:52:42]:
I totally agree with you.

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:53:23]:
As a company we simply charge subscription fees, you can check out the pricing on
The smart contracts and API are open source of course, so people are free to deploy their own versions.
So its a bit of a hybrid model

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:54:40]:
Thanks for the further explanation on this point.

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:55:03]:
Nice to see a free plan

I do love when is possible test a protocol (not only in crypto) without an initial investment, also allow to have most users as possible using it

About the security side, at MaticNews, we analyze multiple projects everyday. This may be the most important factor for most users. Are there any audits done?

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:56:45]:
Yes, in June this year our smart contract layer was audited (with success) by the Pessimistic team

You can read more about the report in our docs section

Not that much changes have been added to the contract layer since then and we will revisit them or another auditor once the protocol design has been fully implemented

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:57:52]:
I would like to add some stuff about Pessimistic as Auditor, first time that get mention in an AMA

They audited very interesting crypto projects, from 1Inch to Parsiq

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:59:04]:
Yeah and a great name for an auditor ‘Pessimistic’ haha

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:59:06]:
So it’s a very good and respected audit company in the space.
I suggest everyone to always read the audit report, in all projects.

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:59:11]:
Yeah they were great to work with!

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 15:59:32 (5 Dec 2021 at 15:59:41)]:
Ahahahaha it’s how each auditor should be! Pessimistic at the beginning :D

Talking about other collaborations, whom are your current partners and which is your marketing strategy to attract more users to the platform?

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:01:01]:
Cool, yeah, apart from various software partners like Polygon, Torus, AWS, Sendgrid and more, we have partnered up with SBRecords, an intellectual property company serving high profile creators with large online audiences. I’d like to explain this one a bit

Other than most creator focussed projects we focus on aligning with the existing business activities of these creators and integrate with those as elegantly as possible

Professional kiteboarder Ruben Lenten for example has joined as the first creator to make use of the THX platform and launch his own LEN10 token to reward his audiences for channel engagement

A few others that we can not disclose yet, having even larger audiences are scheduled to follow

We believe that with a focus on those (non crypto) audiences we can accelerate growth amongst creators that are not familiar with web3 and convince them of the opportunities in web3

apart from the usual business these are our tactics for the next few months

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:03:02]:
I totally confirm this point, a big mistake of many crypto projects it’s that they concentrate only on crypto users

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:03:06]:
Yeah growing the web3 pie is critical, there are still so many people not on-chain!

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:03:17]:
While your way it’s exactly the right direction of an utility token

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:03:25]:
100% behind this

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:04:07]:
Looks crazy with the actual (pumped) prices of many cryptos, we are VERY early guys. The world knows about crypto, but only few people really use them

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:05:15]:
Feel free to share here all news in the future!

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:05:25]:
will do, will do 👍

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:05:33]:
Would you like to add something more before we open the chat?😁

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:07:07]:
Excited to see the future plans! Last 9 hours to join the auction

Now users prepare your questions! 3 minutes to prepare them!

MaticNews.Com, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:07:49]:

When it is unmuted, you can ask your questions from the guests and they will reply to your questions for approximately 15 minutes (or as long as they want).

We are probably the most active group on Polygon and I know many of you will ask your own questions, so please be patient with the guests!

Don’t forget, in order to be eligible for the rewards, please follow all accounts in the last pinned message!

This ask me anything (AMA) session is for general information purposes only! The messages you read here in this group during the AMA and outside the AMA are not investment advice! Please do your own research!

Am4 SF, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:15]:
As an high performance and API powering platforms, who will be the main target users by THX Network, how about others users beside them, what are the programs were provided

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:11:41]:
Main target audience is currently high profile creators with large audiences in social channes, next focus will be tech startups that require large scale adoption and could benefit from reward systems.

Ironchicken, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:15]:
Hello sir, i would like to ask about your current airdrop campaign. Do I need to buy THX by the Matic instead of USDT. How much THX do I need to buy? How will it be calculated?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:11:13]:
You need to get a minimum of 75 $USDC at the moment of purchase, exact token doesn’t matter

Hashirama Senju, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:18]:
As THX network provide users embedding tokens in apps and website, does your protocol allows for embedding NFTs?

What is THX network plans for launching its own NFT?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:11:43]:
Yes, ERC-721 is coming soon. we’re already testing with these

Cris, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:19]:
Can you share how you won European Union. Horizon award and the meaning of this award to your project’s development?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:13:18]:
You have to enter with a whitepaper first, then do a presentation and demo (if you have a prototype)

So definitely not easy! About 5% of applications make it. So it gives a good boost to your creditability. To be fair we also lost 1 or 2, so always apply to a couple!

Vincent Gascoigne, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:25]:
How do you incentivize fans to watch content? You mentioned it during the QA

y0urit | (WON’T DM FIRST), [5 Dec 2021 at 16:12:27 (5 Dec 2021 at 16:12:45)]:
we’re working on integrations with a lot of social platforms. For example, after signing in with Google we can check which content users have watched/liked/etc and creators can rewards those users accordingly.

👾MiMiChie 密枝👾, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:28]:
How does THX solve the problem of high cost, complexity of use & poor technology infrastructure? And how do you attract more content creators to post content on your platform? What incentives do you provide for content creators?

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:13:22]:
The trick is that we do not want them to use our platform to post content. We use social channel API’s to validate user interactions (liking a youtube video, sharing a tweet) and reward this behavior.

> How does THX solve the problem of high cost, complexity of use & poor technology infrastructure?
Not 100% sure what you are referring to here, but by using Polygon we solve most of the scalability issue on Ethereum mainnet. Diamonds solve the largest technical smart contract challenges and our marketing strategy (as explained during the AMA) should kickstart early stage adoption in the creator audience.

Princess Zahra, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:28]:
Can you highlight how different is THX network from other projects like BRAVE which integrates BAT tokens into its browser?
Is your project similar? Please enlighten

EVER ICE, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:30]:
Would you tell us how the plans to enhance and keep up $THX values for stabilizing the price,.will there be an improvement for their utilities?

Mugen, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:40]:
how are you going to sustain the economy of this project so investors can stick and invest in this project for a long time?

y0urit | (WON’T DM FIRST), [5 Dec 2021 at 16:27:30]:
@ahnjungsoo @Everestst We elaborate a bit on this in our tokenomics articles, check them out here and feel free to drop by on our channels if you’ve got more questions about this:
🧑‍🏫 Tokenomics I (overview):
⚙️ Tokenomics II (distribution):

Lee, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:31]:
Hey guys so I just bought some THX and signed up with my email but I keep getting this when I click on the link in the email. I’m just trying to type in my polygon address and email so I can qualify for the airdrop. Can anyone help?

y0urit | (WON’T DM FIRST), [5 Dec 2021 at 16:18:56]:
Sure, please reach out to us in our Telegram group ( or on Discord ( and we’ll sort you out 🙂

Salim Ismaila, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:34]:
As your protocol embeds tokens into any app or website, this means it is accessible to anyone. How can THX network protect the third party user from exploitations by malicious people?

Bi, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:42]:
Why is the current focus on expanding product features/value propositions already? The current version isn’t even launched yet.

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:19:42]:
It is launched :) We’re live as we speak. Join on

JasonS, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:50]:
Do you have a technical support for the companies that would like to test your protocol with a part of their employees?

y0urit | (WON’T DM FIRST), [5 Dec 2021 at 16:14:03]:
For sure! Best way is to book a demo with Mieszko:

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:14:15]:
Yes definitely, we work closely with companies. We’re all early adopters here so people need a bit of help to get up and running. But once it is set up, we do see that people are comfortable with using the system

Sabe, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:10:53]:
Will you spend 70% of the amount of THX token at listing for liquidity? Do you think that it is too much for the beginning? I think may be you should reserve more tokens for the future?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:17:01]:
Bit less about 65% of the treasury. We believe early liquidity and access to the token is very important, so we are prepared to allocate a lot of the supply for that.

Note that governance can withdraw this liquidity at a later stage! When hodlers themselves join the pools. So this is mostly to give a kickstart in the early stages of the protocol.

Simba, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:11:00]:
How many creators are beta testing right now? Are there marketing plans to acquire and onboard new creators with the current value proposition though?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:18:11]:
More than one and less than 5 :) Yes, definitely talking to creators every week
And of course the system is open to all, we see hundreds of subscribed users

Ahn Jung Soo, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:11:10]:
What is planned utility for THX holders? What is the timeline for this?

Mieszko Czyzyk, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:19:42]:
Thank you everyone, great questions!!! 🙏🙏
Great being here today

Peter Polman, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:20:47]:
Thanks for hearing us out! 🙏

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:21:05 (5 Dec 2021 at 16:21:09)]:
thank you guys for have been with us today!

GP {BETO}, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:21:31]:
I hope to see you soon news about your project, very excited about it! 👏🏻

👾MiMiChie 密枝👾, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:21:49]:
Great AMA

Am4 SF, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:22:20]:
Great AMA 👍

EVER ICE, [5 Dec 2021 at 16:22:40]:
Great AMA

About THX Network

When receiving something nice, the logical reply is “thanks”! That’s why we created the THX Network, a blockchain-powered protocol that allows you to create and embed your own tokens in any app or website, without breaking your brain or bank.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) uses THX Network to reward engagement on their employee and policymaker platform called SparkBlue. Over 70.000 transactions and counting have been performed on behalf of UNDP users using THX Network’s infrastructure!

If you’re interested in what THX Network can do for you or your organization, schedule a demo with our founder Mieszko.

Schedule a THX Network demo using

Let’s meet in our communities
Discord 👾
Twitter 🐦
Telegram ✈️

Get the $THX token
Balancer (Polygon)
QuickSwap (Polygon)

Or get in touch
Email our team 📧
Schedule a demo ▶️
Investment pitch deck (PDF on Google Drive) 💹

Other resources
Developer docs 📋
Code on Github 🛠️
Audit report 🕵️
Integrations with Slack, Discord and Drupal 🔌

Jule Landwehr, Mieszko Czyzyk, Peter Polman and Natasha Schön from the THX core team, summer 2020, Amsterdam, The Netherlands — photo by Rudolfo Dalamicio



Jorrit Horstman

Freelance marketing- and advertising specialist. Currently working as a Marketing associate at @thxprotocol