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3 Signs to Let Go of Someone, Even If You Think They Are Your Twin Flame or Soulmate
#2. Your intuition says let go
1. They Disrespect You
Is there a specific person for your soul to be with?
Probably not.
If that were the case, then if one person makes a mistake and chooses the wrong person, then everyone else’s choice is wrong.
Think about it.
The moment you call someone your soul mate/ twin flame meaning they are the one for you, you automatically place them on a pedestal.
You idolize them.
And do you know the consequences of idolatry?
A narcissist.
Narcissism is what you get when you idolize a person.
One of the hardest lessons you will learn on your spiritual journey is knowing when to let go.
It’s really sad the levels of disrespect many of us tolerate because we love someone to the moon and back.
If only love alone was enough.
It's not.
Respect is needed in every relationship that is to stand the test of time and if the person you are idolizing is disrespecting you, this is your sign to let…