10 books to hit, for getting into the habit of reading

Gunjan Shukla
Published in
9 min readMar 21, 2021

To learn, develop, improve, and evolve we need a source of motivation, an example, or an experience that can be accomplished by reading. Reading is the best way to introspect and work on one’s growth. Reading is the key to success in every field.
A wide range of people who wish to get accustomed to this habit of reading is aware of its importance. A book you picked up might not compel you to read further, this doesn’t mean you can’t be habitual of it. To get started you need to make a better choice. 
To instill this habit it is required to create a Foundation that can basically be understood as a good experience or a right novel to pick for one’s first attempt. This right hit would lead you to pick up books, one after the other, and end up making you an avid reader. Here is the list of 10 books that will help you to get a firm hold over the habit of reading.

1. Palace of illusion by Chitra Banerjee Divakarùni.

Mahabharata the longest Indian Epic possessed all the forms or ways literature could ever be glorified with, it had an articulate personification of characters.
The Palace of illusion by Chitra Banerjee is a tale of revisiting Mahabharata from the perspective of Panchaali, a courageous and powerful woman, who is a wife to the Pandavas. This novel traverses all aspects of Panchaali’s life. It elucidates her actions, proposals, relations, and way of conduct in the most extravagant manner. Panchali is a figure of fearlessness, highly spiritedness, and thoughtfulness.

2. Malgudi Days by RK Narayan

Malgudi Days is a series of 32 stories which is based on a town called Malgudi. It is a real-world story of Indian culture where it portrays the scenes and people of this small town. The Characters depicted here are so real and raw every character has its own vision and their actions have multiple meanings when observed. This novel promotes imagination and an observational form of art. It portrayed the way a man will have different aspects of every situation. The thoughtful narration of this novel gets the reader intrigued. The small stories within the novel are immensely moving and magical.

3. The language of flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

It is so ironic when someone being in an adverse situation, fighting their own battles, and making efforts to get rid of the gloomy past, can bring hope and glitter to other's lives. The language of flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh portrays how a woman could understand the language of a flower, it describes the way a variety of flowers convey their emotions. 
Victoria the protagonist’s entire life was circled within the fragrant and sprawling environment due to the gorgeous flowers, which she herself planted. Life is often double-edged, a woman who went through a number of adversities would bring happiness in other people's lives, that’s a very beautiful deed! She possessed the gift of choosing the correct flowers for people and upswing the happiness of their lives. The story took a turn when she faced affliction by her unfortunate past. Life theme with extreme options in front of and now it was all on her to decide.

4. The great believers by Rebecca Makkai

The great believer portrays a story of suffering friendship and loss caused by an illness that prevailed for a long time. Yale Tishman, who is a development director of an art gallery in Chicago saw the barbaric effect of AIDS. The man is engulfed within the crisis with additional adversities, he faced a series of deaths by this epidemic of his beloved friends.
Fiona, sister to Yale’s friend was struggling in Paris in search of a daughter. There came a phase of relief in her life when a photographer who is known to have documented the Chicago epidemic came across. Fiona survived through the rocky roads.
The hardships suffering and havoc prevailed in both Yale’s and Fiona's life. This turmoil of the disaster that made lives suffer the unending after effects, makes a reader go through such thoughts that compel one to find a single ray of hope and peace.

5. The Kite runner by Khaled Hossieni

This is based in Afghanistan, a story of friendship. Hassan, one of the two friends was a servant’s son, the story has several areas and moments depicted to put forward the relations, both the friends shared. Hasan had a mysterious backstory that is enclosed within his mother’s identity. There were a number of conceptions made in town on his mother’s character about which he was humiliated. A part of the novel also elucidates the difference within the Muslim community and a child’s curiosity to know how it categorized people. It possesses a number of tales, the two friends lived together. This story also tells about the downfall of Afghanistan and how it slowly reached for its destruction. It is a heartbreaking novel that powerfully portrayed a story of the two friends along with societal issues and a nation’s downfall. It is an engaging work that would give a sense of loss, complicated relations, violence, humiliation, and everything a tragedy is filled with.

6. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie

A justified work for a self-help book by Dale Carnegie has never ceased to be on-demand. The book consists of numerous useful and valuable teachings which when implemented in one’s life, can provide one with the right direction to the path of success. It gives detailed work on how to understand psychology and gives ways to influence people in the most appropriate manner. It consists of a series of tips to increase liking towards oneself by people, enhance one's thinking, and changing minds by one’s powerful influence. A guide that can help one get on top.

7. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

A story set in Alabama, it surrounds Tom, who has been accused of performing a heinous crime and Atticus finds ways to prove him innocent. It gives a larger frame to allegations, racism, discrimination, and insensitivity of the society’s cruel side. A large part of it coveys the black lives undergoing brutality and injustice. A deep and dramatic American literature that emphasized on the way a discriminated and less privileged section of the society is always an easy target to put allegations on, it portrays a mentality where a particular section of the society is made to feel that their existence is a sin, The story is from a small regional area of Maycomb where the aspect of thoughtfulness never prevailed as the society by all means considered Tom to be guilty. It wholly speaks of mocking birds just as the title of the book says, Atticus describes some characters to have attributes of a Mockingbird who sung just to provide pleasure to everyone around that’s how Tom tried to help and in return got accused of a crime never performed just because of the fact that he was black. This work by Harper Lee came out to uplift the renaissance in American society.

8. The fault in our stars by John Green

Being a romantic novel it widened much more, it spoke of a number of facets of life, the deep-rooted emotions, the barrier that stops one from living their best lives, and a connection that’s purely based on each other’s happiness. It depicted how a blown off candle got lighted. The characters were evidently different from each other but when they came across the entwined threads looked subtle and glorified simultaneously. It’s about Hazel and Augustus. Hazel had a thirst within to live and laugh her lungs out but she never realized this missing element until Augustus came into her life. The novel also attempts to show the suffering and problems faced by cancer survivors. It’s a great booster to ensure one’s happiness even after being in an adverse situation, it reminds you to live and keep hoping for the best. Altogether a moving story that portrays death differently and speaks of making oneself important as to deal with anything it’s provided to live in the present in the most beautiful manner.

9. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

This novel goes literally by the name, it’s about Denny Swift who is a racer and his all-time companion Enzo, the dog. Denny has inspiring perceptions of life, his brilliant and astounding philosophy portrays a prime approach to life. Enzo witnesses every phase of Denny's life. Denny has an incredible way of personifying car racing as a life journey. 
 Denny is so passionate about racing had his firm hold in life for which Enzo is a major reason, he has seen his owner go through highs and lows. Enzo could sense everything. 
A point that came in their lives when Denny’s wife got brain cancer and it was only Enzo who could detect its presence. There were a series of happenings that followed one in which Enzo was a constant companion throughout his battles. It is an appropriate portrayal of the art of racing in the rain.

10. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

It is an amazingly interesting American tale that has all the spices one would need to call it an articulate piece of work, crafted in a way that’s different from the concept of righteousness. As it gets narrated it touches all aspects of drama which include greed, romance, crime, dream, affairs, and a lot more to add a feather to the cap. There’s an attempt by the narrator to make us like the character Gatsby, who is immensely wealthy and is habitual to lead a lavish life. Gatsby’s only concept of life is to have what he desires, it doesn’t matter what the source is. He is known to be engaged in a number of criminal activities. 
Nick, the narrator has his own perception of viewing the story and this adds some spectacular essence to his narration. As we go through, there comes another chapter of a love triangle between Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom. There’s a backstory to Gatsby's affection towards Daisy and slowly this reached the revelation of his illegal activities. The story wholly surrounds the concept of dreams which makes the narrator call Gatsby, “great", he talks of Gatsby’s dream and the American dream by making it come under the same scenario and had his philosophy over it. It’s a highly captivating novel as it has interconnected relations and the introduction of new arrivals in the story.

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