5 Best Books Themed On CANCER

Gunjan Shukla
6 min readMar 1, 2021


Cancer, the world's second-most cause of death. You see how vicious it is!
5th of February 2021 is marked as World Cancer day, globally led by the Union for International Cancer Control ( UICC). 
Its motive is to create and raise awareness of cancer.

Grief, hopelessness, negativity, and fear has to be swapped with courage, optimism, patience, belief, positivity, and acceptance. 
This is the key strategy to go through this disease.

Do all Die of Cancer? Or, Does the mere burden of this disease that's predefined as an old friend of death, eats up a being's motivation to live?
The need is the source of inspiration, support of loved ones, and by being self-motivated.
Cancer comes along with challenges, one has to face it with determination and it's an amazing thing to read, it not only would lend examples that portray victory from this fear, promote happy living, but also a deep motivation and hope.
Determination, motivation, and facing challenges, is it all? More than anything you need happiness, your place, some relaxation, and a memory or a story to relate and live in. With these pals, one would explore, relate, be engaged, and have an amazing experience.
These are valuable accounts that move around the theme of cancer along with several other literary, storytelling, and realistic themes that are enough to intrigue and attract the readers.

Here we serve the 5 best novels around cancer and examples of warriors who fought against it with positivity and determination.

1. Cancer Made Me A Shallower Person by Miriam Engelberg

The grief of cancer is not a comic thing, this unique and sportive approach by the author took to the creation of such an appreciable work.
If contrast was a book it would be this for sure! 
It is an amazing concept to bring cancer and cartoon characters together which is done in the best way possible by a successful cartoonist Miriam. Comics were her best friends. She started to doodle as she came to know that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 43. 
"Cancer Made Me Shallower" is a comic that takes us to her experiences, fear, dealing power, and some bitter realities that accompany this disease including the baldness and pain due to chemotherapy. It’s heartbreaking to not be able to grow with one’s children, it hurts when the reason you live for isn’t a reason anymore. 
This comic has had ironic elements, humor, and the way the stuff was drawn depicted what it was meant for. 
It gives a deep message that laughter remains to be the best medicine even in the case of cancer.

2. Tales From the Tail End by Ananya Mukherjee

This novel stands for the author’s spirit that still lives within Ananya Mukherjee’s diary of cancer. It is a wonderful tale that possesses no exaggeration, no intentional extolling features in her autobiography yet it didn’t fail to extol her optimistic and pull-through approach towards life. 
It’s an epitome to all the survivors out there and is also an inspiring piece for the ones who are not engulfed in this disease that is to a large extent considered the opposite to hope, happiness, and satisfaction. She made the rare three to be her companions. Her way of humorously building her life tale after being held within the claws of cancer gives an extra hope to the one who picks this book. The narrative takes us to areas where she is inspired by characters from films, it gives place to simple presentation without rephrasing and using heavy words. She has not portrayed the notion of being strong to not be sad or to not cry, her work gives a message to express everything one has within, to live for all desires, and to be simply delightful. 
It has 27 short stories amazingly written.
This novel is all she had during the tail stages of her life, it can give a lot to the readers who enjoy light literature and is highly recommended to cancer survivors to have a great time.

3. The Joy of Cancer by Olga Munari

Life is unpredictable, what comes our way may be something different in disguise. The story of Olga Munari narrated by Kim Mecca holds the uncertainty of life and makes cancer a way to repair bonds, bring happiness, and turning one into a better being. 
It was a Monday when Olga got to know about her disease, Cancer. This didn’t prove to be a gloomy experience as it further healed her life completely not just bodily but in totality even the emotional aspects. Challenges gave the thrills that kept her going and made her work on her relationships with her children and her cancer was never a setback for her. This novel is a great inspiration that would break through all norms and give you immense positivity to clasp.

4. Dying To Be Me by Anita Moorjani

Anita had a near-death experience while fighting with her cancer. What are the factors that brought her back to life? How did knowing the root cause of her disease made way for improvement?
This novel beautifully explains Anita’s life and her journey from her childhood, career, love life, to the point where she got diagnosed with cancer. It portrays a miraculous recovery when there wasn’t a bit of light or hope to recover. It takes us to some additional energy that is above all possibilities, she realized that she had the power to heal despite all odds.
Through this novel, Anita takes us to all her experiences, the sufferings she encountered, fear, and her willingness and spiritual belief that took her out of this disease.

5. Let’s Take a Long Way Home by Gail Cadwell

The novel brought up a disease that wasn't just borne by the person who had but also by the closest being, it leaves a person deserted and leaves one with helplessness. 
The story has a beautiful bond that it talks of between the two friends, the author and Caroline Knapp who lived all the moments together as they existed in pairs always, had several similarities that include alcoholism and love for dogs.
They were independent women who enjoyed their lives and got entwined in a love affair.
It was time for the harsh reality to come not pace, Knapp was swiftly on the verge of losing her breath because of the lung cancer she was diagnosed with. 
Cadwell in her novel starts with "It’s an old, old story". In the final chapters, readers could feel the absence of an essence, the writers love, it portrayed an emptiness. It was a terrific experience for the author. 
The loss of a friend shows deep grief but the story glorified a worthy friendship that had the power, essence and celebrated the togetherness of two self-esteemed women who were enough for each other.

I have done the picking very meticulously and found myself astounded by the personalities of the characters, the emotions, and the factors these novels hold. I assure you all that it is going to be a great time reading these.
I hope you love the recommendations.

