5 Books to Evolve the concept of “Evolution"

Gunjan Shukla
6 min readMar 1, 2021


Pre-existence, development, metamorphosis, natural selection, growth, adaptivity, and Darwinism, are terms that in disguise are born with the transformation and making up of the most advanced and complex species of the earth, the humans or the Homo Sapiens. 
The history of the earth has endured a series of uncountable mutations, the gradual rise or advancement within species is an ongoing natural process but the greatest evolution that led to the emergence of the most advanced species is not less than a miraculous event.

Evolution is the process of advancements, replacements, and transformations of different kinds of living organisms that are turned into a modified version or design with time. The process of evolution affects the functionality of different systems of organisms, it alters its mold and procedures to reach for the motive of this process.

The history and study of evolution are vast, complex, and incredible with a series of theories, assumptions, and diversities.

The most curious of minds would for sure be dwelling to know deeply about the subject of evolution as it is the origination of humankind and this may open up doors to many more concepts of our emergence and science.

The article for this week revolves around the theme of evolution, and we feed you with five diverse novels that will give you a great dive into the selected theme. 
Various notions, probabilities, science, learning, understanding, and reasons for a wide range of queries are welcomed and fed well through these books.
Here we go for it!

1. Darwin comes to Town by Menno Schilthuizen

The first book that fits in this list is a unique one that gives us the emancipation of evolution, and the continuation of the process in this new era.
Menno Schilthuizen talks about the ability of plants and animals to adapt to the explicitly new environment.
Being an enthusiast, the author has put forth a greater concept of "Natural Selection" and has widened city biology by presenting its complexities.
If you are taking this novel to be the one that just deals with the science of evolution, then you are mistaken!
It creates a vision of how evolution isn’t a process that happened way back, it is not even just an ongoing process of the outer environment but it’s a part of our daily lives, happening at every instant.
Darwin Comes To Town accounts for how humans have not just made their niche but their advancements, functionality, and luxury has provoked or ignited the whole ecosystem to adjust the new ways. 
The flora and fauna have undergone several changes and have byways learned to exist in the unfamiliar environment which with frequency has become a known way. 
This novel is loaded with facts about coexisting ecosystems all around the world which gives a view of acceptance of such a kind of urban city that holds nature within it.
Darwin Comes To Town: How The Urban Jungle Drives Evolution, is an alluring piece of work that has come up with a pragmatic, sustainable, and realistic theme that is where we are driving to, some refined approaches would give rise to a more revolutionized world. It is a great read for the ones who love to explore links and applications of a scientific theory that paved ways to a normalized world.

2. The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins

This novel is another perspective of evolution theory, it pivots around the same concept of natural selection by linking it to the potentiality and contrasting human design.
Dawkins has elucidated the modifications that take place randomly to adapt to the environment, within myriads of creatures.
The whole articulation of the work aims at the widening role of natural selection through a comparison with a blind watchmaker, this is what makes the piece a different portrayal.
This attempt of argumentation made by Dawkins challenges many thought processes. The conclusions that have been derived through his illustration may or may not be convincing to all. 
So, this is for the ones who want to see another perspective of the existence of evolution along with the notions created by the author.
This book may help u have your say over the working and development of our design.

3. Why Evolution is True by Jerry A. Coyne

Is Evolution a mere theory, to support the existence of different organisms? Or Is it a proven fact?
Jerry A. Coyne has focused on evidence, which failed to be a part of many other works.
This book has put forth the discoveries and conclusions with supporting evidence. 
Genetics, geology, paleontology, and molecular biology have given several outcomes to trace ancestry and creationism.
It’s a guide that brought evolution as a fact and firmly portrayed it to be a scientific truth.
It’s a scientific feed for the readers!

4. Evolution:- What the Fossils Say and Why it Matters by Donald R. Prothero

Here comes a book that attempts to easily provide elucidations of scientific terminologies related to evolution, fossils, geology, and discovering missing links that bridged our journey of evolution.
It’s an engaging and meticulously written work that holds one with its narrative. 
The book has proved to be a source of great understandability as it is widely picked and suggested.
Fossil timelines, transitions, evolutionary processes, and other supportive elements have made this detailed yet engaging book to make it a place of reference.
After Darwin, Gould, and Dawkins you must go for it, it’s highly recommended.
There is a lot in here to offer to the ones looking for sound science.

5. Lucy: The Beginnings of Humankind by Donald C. Johnson

Lucy, a preserved skeleton that is proven to be the earliest erect walking human skeleton, which is complete by all aspects. 
This book is an outcome of controversial research made by Johanson over his study. 
3.5 million years old skeleton that was found in a rare area of Ethiopia brought up enormously exceptional impressions. 
This novel gives a well-structured history behind it and loads the pages with colors and interesting characters that made the work compelling. 
It has been a center of controversy and discoveries which was carried adequately with eccentric themes. 
It holds enthralling concepts of science that are indeed interesting.

Here is what I had for you all corresponding to the theme for this week, I hope you all are building a connection with the themes we come up with every week.
The theme for this week is scientific, but I can reconcile the oldest yet the most recent vision is a picture, where a monkey from its primitive form gets advanced to become a caveman.
Is it with u too? I am sure many would say yes to it.
This article holds novels that would take you from the origination of evolution to various ways it has been elucidated.

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