The Tired Defender

Troy Camplin
Thyme and Time Again
1 min readJan 18, 2023


In nothingness the universe began —
Asymmetried some 14 billion years
Ago into cascades of galaxies.

Must I defend this truth, reality?

Upon this earth, from molecules emerged
Evolving life from single cells to apes
With microscopes, who can write poetry.

Must I defend this truth, reality?

A human mind evolved, a social mind,
More instincts making actions more complex,
A plastic human nature in each mind.

Must I defend this truth, reality?

Subjective values, tradeoffs, human action,
The economic laws invariant
Creating wealth when information flows.

Must I defend this truth, reality?

When given power, guns to realize
Their wants, no one becomes a saint. They all
Protect themselves with force and rhetoric.

Must I defend this truth, reality?

The artist makes, presents what no one dreamed —
Their works cannot be planned but by themselves.
Demand is made once they supply the work.

Must I defend this truth, reality?

Creationists, intelligent designers
Must fall away in time — they must embrace
More metaphors more true to all of life.

I pray this is the truth, reality!

Originally published at http://troycamplinpoetry.blogspot.com.



Troy Camplin
Thyme and Time Again

I am the author of “Diaphysics” and the novel “Hear the Screams of the Butterfly.” I am a consultant, poet, playwright, novelist, and interdisciplinary scholar.