
Thymeleaf Basics Concepts
4 min readAug 10, 2020

What is Thymeleaf?

  • Thymeleaf is a java template engine, Commonly used to generate the HTML views for the web.
  • It is a general-purpose template engine which is capable of both web and standalone environment to generate dynamic views.
  • It is a separate project, unrelated to spring we can create views without the use of spring.

Thymeleaf template

  • A thymeleaf template can be a combination of HTML tags with some thymeleaf expressions.
  • It includes dynamic content to an HTML page with the help of thymeleaf expressions.
  • It can access java code, objects, spring beans, and so on.
HTML tags with Thymeleaf Expression

Thymeleaf template processing

Thymeleaf can process six kinds of templates out of the box. Each of them is called Template Mode.

  • XML
  • Valid XML
  • Valid XHTML
  • HTML5
  • Legacy HTML5

Thymeleaf Engine

Thymeleaf Engine It is used to parse the thymeleaf template. With the help of Java model data to show the content on the HTML page. Here is the screenshot of thymeleaf template working:

Thymeleaf template working

In a web app, thymeleaf is processed on the server. The processed result included in the HTML and then return to the browser.

Thymeleaf vs JSP

Process for adding thymeleaf in a project

Step 1:Add thymeleaf to maven pom file.

Step 2: Create a Spring MVC controller.

Step 3: Create the Thymeleaf template.

Additional Features of Thymeleaf

  • Looping and conditions.
  • CSS and JavaScript integration.
  • Template layouts and fragments.

Using CSS with Thymeleaf Template

we have the option of using

  • Local CSS file as a part of your project.
  • Remote CSS file references.

Let’s learn CSS as a local file.

Spring boot will look for static resources in a static resource directory.

To link the CSS file using the thymeleaf tag.

To link JavaScript file using thymeleaf tag.

Standard dialects

In thymeleaf, you can define your own set of tags with the name you want. Thymeleaf comes with a set of standard dialects(Spring Standard) which are more than sufficient for basic operations. we can identify these standard dialects with prefix th prefix, like <p th:text=”…”>.

Thymeleaf Standard Expression syntax

These are the standard thymeleaf expression syntax are used to perform different types of a task such as the declaration of variables. They are also used to includes the external static files such as CSS and JavaScript etc. By default, it supports five types.

  • Variable expressions:- ${…}.
  • Selection expressions:- *{…}.
  • Message (i18n) expressions :- #{…} .
  • Link (URL) expressions :- @{…} .
  • Fragment expressions:- ~{…}.


  • Thymeleaf is a modern and natural template engine that reduces the gap between frontend and backend developers.
  • It provides both web and non-web implementation functionalities.
  • It can process spring beans and java objects which make it more useful.
  • It can process multiple languages and It has better expression language then spring.

