Diane Coffee — Soon To Be, Won’t To Be

Song Of Day — 2015.08.31

Cuz Fn
Tic Tic Ear
3 min readMay 31, 2018


Photo by Louis Lo on Unsplash

從公司下班回家踩車的路上,SoundCloud 隨機播放到了這首歌,配上夏夜難得的微風,心情也難得一起放輕鬆,多繞了平常不會走的路線,想多繞一陣子,讓這首歌多 Loop 一陣子,讓手跟心都沒有空,沒有空去多想多猜,就不會著急地在與你的對話框中裡輸入多餘、笨拙的訊息,如果和你的關係也能繞點路,會不會我的存在就不會那麼稍縱即逝呢?

So what have I done?
This is not what I wanted
What have I done this time?
Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

I want to be in love with you
I want to be in love with you



Cuz Fn
Tic Tic Ear

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