Celebrating the Heroes of the Tick.Done Universe

#001 Movingpath 🌿🍜🌲

Cam James
4 min readApr 3, 2019


Greetings all! 👋 Cameron here from Tick.Done. 😁

It’s been a really positive few weeks since our launch, and thanks to us now being publicly available on the app store, new community members have been pouring in! (music to my ears)

We hope each new member of the Tickarmy loves the plethora of content we now have on show, but we really love it when we see new members step into the arena and start creating themselves! 🚀

We know some of you are shy, but everyone has knowledge worth sharing! But don’t worry, it’s a part of our mission to inspire people to explore their creative side and teach someone something new.

So to help you get some of you get started, we reckon it’ll be a good idea for you to see how some of our leading community members already use Tick.Done to share their passion! 🙌

This brings us onto introducing you to the first reoccurring series of our Medium blog which will celebrate the heroes of the Tick universe! 🎉🎉🎉

So without further ado welcome to episode #001!

Introducing Movingpath (Richard Blackwell) 🚀

I can confirm his beard is that majestic in real life

Stepping into the world of content….

Casting ourselves back to December 2018, most of us were caught up in preparing for the holidays, however, Richard and his wife had some extra news to deal with!

“Back in December my wife and I found out we were expecting our first child! It was both exciting and scary news. Exciting for the obvious reasons but also concerning because I had just been laid off work.

With all the spare time I decided to create a YouTube channel, as this would allow me to work from home and look after our future child 😊”

Choosing the right path (pun fully intended)

The Movingpath YouTube Channel

With a number of creators littered across multiple platforms, not just on YouTube, I asked what made Richard adopt the name of Movingpath.

“Reflecting on what happened the previous month and working out what to do next, I thought it was quite fitting to go with the name Movingpath. We’re all moving along on this path called life, constantly experiencing and learning new things, and I want to reflect that in my channel”

Discovering Tick

We’re still the relatively new app on the block so are super interested in discovering how users have discovered our platform. Strange enough it was down to my Reddit how-to content lurking that Richard and I bumped into each other.

I was sharing some of my YouTube videos on Reddit and that’s where Cameron spotted my content and asked if I wanted to try out Tick. After having a play around with the platform, I realised that the creator tool was perfect for my style of content and got down to creating some new tutorials right away.”

“I really like how Tick focuses on ‘How To’ content without the fussy extras”

Here are a few of his top-performing stories 🔥

While Movingpath’s YouTube content has a wonderful array of different videos, from vintage toy reviews to how to maintain a pair of garden secateurs, his Tick profile has strong Vegan presence focussed on teaching people how to create a number of delicious vegan alternatives to non-vegan products 🌍

How To Make Butternut Squash Soup (Vegan Friendly)
How To Make Almond Milk
How To Make Vegan Parmesan Cheese

We’ve got the Moving Path seal of approval 🙏

We love our platform and believe we can really help change the face of the internet, especially the way we learn and implement new skills. So it’s great that we are getting a number of creators who can see the big picture too ❤️

Tick would be great for doing tasks where your hands are messy and you want to avoid trying to pause and restart the screen for every step

“I can see now that this is a great option if you want to explore something new in a concise way”

“Everyone has knowledge that they can share with the community and learn together”

And that’s a wrap!

It was great to have the chance to talk to Richard exploring exactly what drives him to share his knowledge and make Tick.Done the place to do it 🔥

A huge thank you to Richard for giving us an insight into the world of Movingpath, and we’re dead excited to see what he publishes next! 😁

Could you be the next creator I’m highlighting?

Download our app and share your passion! 😎

