Tickets Transfers by Ticketfly

Everyone gets their own ticket!

Ticketfly Tech: More Than Code
2 min readAug 8, 2017


Using “Tap+Hold” validation to send tickets and prevent accidents.

Has this happened to you before an event?

You get to the venue with your printed ticketsIF you remembered to bring them. Now, you’re missing the show, outside, waiting to hand the ticket to your friend who is stuck battling traffic for another 45 minutes. Bummer!

You add the digital tickets to your phone and share them with your friends via text. Now, you‘re at the door figuring out what tickets you’ve shared and which tickets are yours. You may even need to download missing tickets to your digital wallet over a spotty network. Pain!

You buy tickets to a show from a stranger. Then, you get to the venue only to find out the tickets are fake barring you entry to see the show for which you’ve already paid a pretty penny. Duped!

Now, when you go to a show, send tickets to anyone through Ticketfly via email. Have the recipient accept the tickets with their own Ticketfly account and problem solved…

Everyone gets their own ticket. It’s safe, secure, and guaranteed.

When you’re sending tickets…

It’s simple: type an email and send.

Transfer tickets to a friend — Also available via web

When you’re accepting tickets…

You’ll get an email and will be prompted to accept from your account.

Accepting a ticket from a friend — Also available via web

If you send a ticket to a friend, when they accept, Ticketfly will remove that ticket from your order and give your friend their own unique ticket. No overthinking things or parsing through barcodes on your part.

No matter where you get your tickets, you will be guaranteed a unique ticket as long as you receive it through Ticketfly. No coordinating meet-ups with friends, no more missing events while waiting for “the handoff,” and no more getting scammed!

Thanks for reading & check out music from Norwegian Arms!

