Cracking TicketSwap.

Insider tips for buying and selling tickets.

Will Bentley-Hawkins
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2019


It’s no surprise the day I landed a job at TicketSwap an avalanche of questions began about how to best crack the App? Things like; Do you get free tickets for life now? Can you get me free tickets for life now? and What’s the secret to always getting a ticket?

Initially, my answer was simple, ‘I’ve only been working there a few days, how am I supposed to know’? Now 5 months in, I’m fresh out of excuses and it’s about time I shared a few trade secrets.

Picture this, you’ve recently placed a wanted listing for those Dekmantel tickets (you can’t live without) but every time tickets become available, other fans beat you to the punch. Frustrating right?

Enable Push Notifications Via The App:

First things first, email notifications are too slow a process. You have to enable push notifications through the app if you want any hope in snaring a ticket to an event in high demand. If you want to ensure you’re moving at light speed, also take the passcode lock off your phone, seconds, even milliseconds mean everything in the race for precious tickets. Read up on how we’re beating bots and scripts as well.

Popular Transacting Times:

It always helps to step inside the heads of other users too. If you can understand their buying and selling behaviours, you’re well on your way to becoming a TicketSwap master.

It doesn’t take Albert Einstein, to work out why there’s a huge spike in transactions the closer it gets to crunch time. We humans are an unpredictable bunch, our mood and plans change like the wind. There’s a lesson here, never give up on the hunt or sale of tickets. It’s more than likely, you’ll snare tickets to the show of your dreams hours before it starts. Stay on high alert! Be dressed and ready to run out the door!

Now if that still isn’t enough inside information, how about this? Between the hours of 5–10 pm at night, TicketSwap is a goldmine. Fans are out of the office, thinking about what gig to go to or which gig they can bail out of and how they can make their money back. You might think it’s best to navigate the platform when it’s not cluttered but I’m here to tell you the busier the better!

Selling Tickets To Popular Vs Less Popular Shows:

If you’ve got a ticket for a Fleetwood Mac or Post Malone show, you’re figuratively in the box seat. By that I mean, you’re able to mark the original price up by 20% and make yourself a few extra dollars. Not a bad consolation for having to miss a show this good.

On the other hand, if you’re looking to find a new home for a ticket to a niche event, think wisely about how to sell it. Best to set an asking price of a few bucks below face value to ensure you make a sale. You’d rather walk away with some money in your bank than completely empty-handed. And it pains everyone to see a ticket go to waste.

Creating a Private Listing:

Another facet of TicketSwap that’s often overlooked is private listings. If you’ve already lined up a particular buyer, you can skip the mayhem of the public market and sell it directly to them. Say you have a friend of a friend who wants to buy your ticket, but you don’t know them personally — TicketSwap ensures a safe sale. Hassle free. Simply, fill in the buyer’s email address at the ‘promote your listing’ step and the sale is complete!

Buy Tickets At The Gate (On Our App):

Part of the reason TicketSwap exists is to safeguard music fans from being ripped off by scalpers at the door. More often than not, some shady looking character will extort your undying love for Drake, by selling you a ticket that’s an astronomical rip-off.

Skip this dilemma — head to a bar nearby for a few drinks, jump on the app and find yourselves last-minute tickets at a fair price. Then all’s left to do is head in and have a damn good time!

Quick Sharing Of Tickets Via Our App:

This particular crack arose thanks to discussions with our performance marketing specialists. It may surprise you but we’ve discovered that many of our fans aren’t fast-tracking their selling process. It’s super easy, just share your e-tickets directly to the app. We lead too busy lives these days, literally 2 or 3 presses of your thumb and you’re ready to roll.

Adding A Wanted Listing Without A Set Price:

This one’s simple. If you want every chance of making it to a show then there’s no need to set a max price per ticket. This means that whenever a ticket becomes available, irrespective of the price, you’ll be notified. Sometimes, you can’t put a price on seeing your dream artist.

Never miss THAT event or let a ticket go to waste. Following these tips will leave you ahead of the pack for buying and selling on our platform. One person’s change of plans is another person’s treasure on TicketSwap.



Will Bentley-Hawkins

Copywriter @ TicketSwap, Amsterdam. Music // Writing // Dance