Digging Yourself Out Of That NYE Ditch.

Will Bentley-Hawkins
3 min readDec 31, 2018


You know that feeling when everything hurts…every muscle fibre and brain cell, simultaneously screaming for assistance. Yep, so do we! On the first day of a New Year, a large proportion of the planet wakes up feeling just like this. Your eyelids weigh a tonne, your insides are drier than a desert storm and a raging house fire would be the only thing to have you move from bed.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve had thousands of you buy and sell tickets for New Year’s Eve shows. Therefore, we feel it’s our duty to lend a hand in your journey back to full health.

Here are our top tips for being the highest-functioning sloth on January 1st 2019.

1. Acceptance

“Those who don’t grasp their predicament, are doomed to fail”. Sounds like something a philosopher would say right..? Regardless, we firmly believe this is the case. The first step to numbing that throbbing headache is recognising you’re in a bit of strife. There’s no one else to blame here but yourself and you more than likely had a ripping evening! What goes up, must come down. So grab yourself a yard glass of water and quit moping.

2. Uber Eats

Now I know we mentioned above, to get up and grab some water but there’s no need to move too much further. Just locate your phone and hit the godsend that is Uber Eats. Whatever you’d like to consume to drown the hangover is literally at your fingertips. Steaming hot pad thai, a kilo burrito, an outrageously healthy poké bowl…the choice is yours! If this is the epitome of laziness, it’s simple, use it at your most lazy!

3. Go for a Float

After blasting your organs with toxins for the past 12 hours, why not go float. “Go float…?” you ask, yes, floating weightlessly in a pod of warm water and Epsom salts. Sounds pretty zen to us. Something a depleted mind and body would be oh so thankful for. After a few minutes, with the absence of gravity, you’ll feel like you’re levitating! You’re in charge of lighting and music in the pod as well as deciding whether the lid stays open or closed (for our claustrophobic pals). This is relaxation at its finest. Soak away your sins!

4. Aspirin

This is, of course, stating the obvious but our general consensus is that Aspirin is commonly overlooked by those tormented by a hangover. We flicked through a pharmaceutical glossary and found this — Aspirin is used to reduce fever and relieve mild to moderate pain”. After a big night, you’re in a world of pain, so get to relieving it. That saying — ‘take the edge off things’ was probably made up by a superbly beat human who’d just swallowed an aspirin. Get medicated people. We also discovered willow bark is involved in the process. How about that!?

5. Company

New Years Day can be brutal for everyone, whether you’re hungover or not, why spend it alone? Life’s all about being around people who make you feel good, make you laugh, and remind you what’s important in life. And you know what…so is being caught in a post-NYE doom. We think the best spell to cast on yourself is one of distraction. And who better than to provide that than your nearest and dearest. As soon as you wake, you’ll want to hide away, rather, have a long shower and invite your clique around so you can giggle about last nights antics and ride this thing out TOGETHER!

We’re not preaching the holy testament or anything but the least you could do is give a few of these a whirl and see if you feel fresher?



Will Bentley-Hawkins

Copywriter @ TicketSwap, Amsterdam. Music // Writing // Dance