Swapping Safely

Phoebe Lown


At TicketSwap, we don’t only claim to be the safest way to buy and sell tickets, we strive to fight any fraud along the way.

We’re aware that a small number of customers have been sent fraudulent Facebook messages and emails claiming to come from TicketSwap sellers and Support team. These messages offer recipients the chance to buy e-tickets through a pretend private listing link — the message will ask you to give your personal email address, your bank details and images of your ID.

These messages are not from TicketSwap or from real Sellers.

Here’s what to look out for!

Do not click on any payment links provided
The bank details used by the scammers

What to do if you receive a message:
- Be wary of any private Facebook messages from someone you don’t know claiming to offer tickets via a private listing
- We never send payment links such as Tikkie. If you receive one of these links do not click on it
- If someone asks for your email address to ‘make a private listing’ — do not give it to them or click on any links
- Watch out for emails claiming to be from TicketSwap from any mail provider outside of the domain @ticketswap e.g. Gmail, Outlook, ticketswap-kaarten.nl etc

If you receive fraudulent messages or have any concerns, please follow these next steps:

  • To help us investigate and take action, please send us examples of any fraudulent messages to info@ticketswap.com
  • If you have entered any financial details contact your bank immediately.
  • Block the sender of the message.

We hope you never encounter any of these fraudulent activities, but we sure hope this post helps you in case you do.



Phoebe Lown

Social Media Creative @TicketSwap Raised in London, based in Amsterdam — Fan of festivals, comedy gigs and pop culture!