Psychoeducation On Depression-A Therapeutic Intervention

Savita Hoskoti
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2020

We are celebrating October 2nd to October 10th as Mental Health day. First it was started on 10th October 1992. This year we are celebrating it for the whole week from October 2nd to October 10th.

Psycho Education is one of the crucial parts of educating and spreading awareness on Mental Health Disorders.

Now a days in pandemic situation all are depressed at some level or the other.

TickTalkTo presents the Psychoeducational Guide on the topic of Interpreting Depression.

Understanding Depression

Depression also called the common cold of psychotherapy covers a variety of negative moods and behavioural changes.

You don’t feel pleasure any more, you’re tired you feel sad and you cannot motivate yourself to do something. These symptoms are recognisable and you feel depressive periods are normal, particularly when person faces tough personal issues. However if the depression continues for several weeks it maybe sign of depression.

What is Depression?

The term depression has been used in several ways. It is important to distinguish between depression based on symptoms. For it to be called a 'disorder' at least 5 out of 9 total Symptoms would be present for more than two weeks which would include sadness or loss of interest or pleasure.It is said that women are two times more likely to have depression than men.

It is important that we consider all depressive episodes or continuous negative feelings to be a part of mental health concern.

Symptoms of Depression

There are lot of signs of depression but you may not have all the symptoms and how long they last is also different from person to person.

Psychological symptoms

  1. Depressed mood, sadness, hopelessness. Mood swings are worse in the morning.
  2. Tiredness, loss of energy, initiative and strength.
  3. Feeling fearful is often a characteristic of depression. Some time emotions are flat and the person is not able to feel anything.
  4. Thoughts of guilt, self blame, worthlessness.

Behavioural symptoms

  1. Social withdrawal and loss of interest in surroundings
  2. Loss of willingness to have fun and participate in activities
  3. Reduced productivity
  4. Suicidal Thoughts
  5. Emotional episodes of excessive crying

Types of Depression

There are Two types of Depression

  1. Unipolar depression characterised by someone feeling down for long period of time.
  2. Bipolar Depression is characterised by alternating periods in which person feels depressive periods alternating with subsequent periods of energy and activity.

Tests For Depression

Some tests that can be used to identify depression.

  1. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)21 self reporting of depression questions they are diagnosed to help mental health professionals assess the mood symptoms.
  2. Hamilton Depression Rating Scale(HDRS) It consists of 21questions
  3. Zung self rating scale for Depression, it consists of 20 questIons

Some Facts about Depression

  • It is second largest cause of Death after Heart Disease
  • Depression is twice more common in women than men
  • Depression cause more absenteeism from work then any other disorder
  • Depression ranks fourth on the list of most common Diseases.

Psychologists can help you find the source of Depression often the first step to feeling better along with helping to cope with negative thought processes. Psychologists can help you gain mental clarity and get a perspective of your problems.

