Why are women being introduced to self-love in this new age?

Navjot Dhillon
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2022

Is it because they were not born with it or is it that the other half of the species woke up to it much earlier. Just some reflections and observations here.

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

Self-love being a belief, a promise or an understanding that one has with themselves to love, value, take care and show utmost compassion to oneself.

Nice….and still some of us have to be tutored about it.

The one thing that most people agree to is the fact that women have a natural tendency to put others before themselves like their children, their spouses, their parents and many times even their colleagues. By and large in most societies they are nurtured to be primary care givers.

What we need to understand is that their predisposition to care for others is not a sign of weakness, definitely not a compulsion. If at all, it’s strength of character and it’s out of choice that they spread themselves thin for the ones they care about. (even in doing that they hold their own and don’t vanish)

Does this mean that self- love did not feature itself in their lives automatically and so it has to now be planted through soft suggestions and hard knocking hysteria around women’s liberation.

‘You cannot pour from an empty cup’….They are told, just so they may start looking after themselves better and in turn become become better providers.

I don’t think a giving person can ever be empty or feeble or broken, they somehow remain intact under every circumstance as they are committed to others.

For most women, self-love is entwined in their self-worth and self-worth for them comes from the fact that they are valued members of society at large. They are contributing in their homes, communities, workspaces and are donning each role with aplomb. Isn’t this where self-love and love for others merges ?

“Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention.” — P!nk, musical artist.

They don’t need to be given those discounted coupons on women’s day to feel special. Yes, everyone likes special treatments but this seems more like a masked consumer strategy to make epic sales of spa treatments and knock women over with marked down make-up and dresses. (knowing the legendary shopaholic streak of the fairer sex).

I think we need to mellow out on this one. Women don’t need to be sermonised about accepting their body sizes, taking a break from kid’s and household chores, doing girl’s night often or looking out for exploitations happening in offices. Their inherent proclivity for benevolence is a part of their being.

Self-love is not a new discovery… it’s their eternal truth.

Photo by Rowan Chestnut on Unsplash

They are sunshine and thus spread it in the lives of those around them.You can’t shine without self-love, can you?



Navjot Dhillon

Counselling psychologist who digs deep wisdom. I write about mental health, life hacks based on personal experience and some whacky, out of the box stuff.