Smart Contract Hack Protection Offered by Leading Security Auditor

Tidal Finance
Tidal Finance
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2023

Smart contracts are self-executing contracts on the blockchain containing code to facilitate, verify, and enforce agreements. However, smart contracts are vulnerable to hacks and exploits that have resulted in over $4 billion in losses to date. As smart contracts grow in popularity, protection against potential hacks becomes increasingly important.

Firms like BlockSec provide smart contract hack protection by leveraging their auditing expertise. As a leading security auditor, BlockSec has the knowledge and tools to assess risks and underwrite protection policies. Their deep understanding of hack mechanisms from numerous contract audits allows accurate evaluation of risks. Their auditing tools identify vulnerabilities, preventing potential hacks and reducing risks. For example, BlockSec’s audits have saved tens of millions in losses for major protocols, significantly lowering collateral risk for insurers underwriting policies.

Policyholders can benefit from using BlockSec’s services in a few key ways. Purchasing hack protection policies from BlockSec provides quick claim processing given their smart contract expertise. BlockSec also offers competitive pricing for thoroughly audited, lower-risk protocols. Additionally, providing smart contract protection creates opportunities for BlockSec.

Currently, they offer the most competitive rates for major protocols like Compound v3 and Aave v3. As BlockSec conducts further due diligence, they plan to expand protection to more protocols. By managing the protection pool, they also earn transaction fees as rewards. With their auditing expertise, BlockSec is positioned to grow offerings through careful evaluation of risks and pricing.

In conclusion, smart contract hack protection is increasingly critical as adoption grows. To get protection against potential hacks, projects can send inquiries to launch protection policies with leading auditors like BlockSec. Liquidity providers can also inquire about protecting supplied funds. As hacks rise, smart contract protection is becoming a necessity. Get ahead of the curve by getting coverage backed by top security expertise.



Tidal Finance
Tidal Finance

Tidal Finance is the first flexible DeFi insurance platform and marketplace offering the highest APYs in the industry.