Don’t let the Senate approve a radical Supreme Court nominee

The Stakes are high.

Ben Malley
2 min readJan 30, 2017


Tides and The Advocacy Fund stand with refugees and immigrants under attack by this administration and those supporting them in airports across the country this last weekend.

Only ten days in, we are seeing that President Trump is doing what he said he would during the campaign. Just as he promised, he is attempting to take healthcare away from those who need it, ban Muslims from our country, and build a border wall with Mexico.

President Trump will likely pick his Supreme Court nominee tomorrow. During his campaign, he promised that the justice he nominates to the Supreme Court would be “in the mold” of the late Antonin Scalia, a far-right, anti-gay, anti-choice judge. We must take him at his word and prepare to fight.

The stakes are clear. It took only one week for the judicial branch to demonstrate its vital importance in protecting American values against hateful, dangerous and unconstitutional policies. Our courts, along with our voices, remain our strongest bulwark in protecting the most vulnerable in our society for the foreseeable future.

A Trump-appointed justice on the Supreme Court is almost certain to uphold his radical policies. Our efforts to protect a woman’s right to choose, defend the rights of immigrants and refugees, battle climate change, reform money in politics, and fight for racial justice, LGBT equality, fair treatment of workers, and countless other policies under attack by this administration are dependent on our unity in fighting against a radical Supreme Court nomination. We all have so much to lose if we do not resist together.

For this reason we call on our friends and allies to contact their US Senators with the message to reject any nominee whose record shows they’ll use their position on the Court to protect powerful interests at the expense of the rights and freedoms of people. We demand a nominee that is committed to upholding our Constitution, not this administration’s radical and dangerous policies.

— Amanda Keton, Managing Director, and Ben Malley, Political Advisor
The Advocacy Fund



Ben Malley

Legal + Political Advisor at Tides/The Advocacy Fund