Moving Forward Together

Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2016

Dear friends and partners,

On Tuesday our nation suffered a devastating setback. This election exposed the deep division, rising discontent and anger across our country. We heard a resounding message that the status quo isn’t working for many people.

Amidst the sad outcomes on many of the issues we care about so deeply, there are also a number of bright spots that we must celebrate. We will soon have four women of color in the United States Senate — a number that is too small but still four times more than it is now. Four states opted to raise the minimum wage. Three states increased their gun control. Seven states loosened marijuana laws, which is an important victory for criminal justice advocates. Despite the anti-immigrant rhetoric and xenophobia, 71% of voters support a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

As we digest the election results, our top priority is to take care of ourselves and our communities because we’ve got work to do, and we need each other. Our fight for shared prosperity and social justice continues.

Tides stands with you. We stand with the people who are under attack. We stand with the immigrants that make this country great, and the people of color who continue to step up and lead in the face of violence and hate. We also stand with the people who are frustrated, and the people who showed up to vote because they feel economically disenfranchised.

We must come together in new and unimagined ways, fundamentally rethink how we do things, form new and stronger coalitions, listen deeply and have empathy for those with different interests and beliefs. We must step up and do the work that makes us uncomfortable. This is the only way we will develop imaginative solutions to build a world of shared prosperity and social justice.

For decades at Tides we have stood with those on the cutting edge of social change. To the bold leaders with innovative ideas to bridge our divides and take the risks necessary to push us forward, we remain your enthusiastic and powerful ally. We are honored to accelerate your work.

With hope,
Tides and The Advocacy Fund



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Accelerating the pace of social change. Amplifying our community’s efforts to achieve a world of shared prosperity and social justice.