So there is a lot of Etheremon

Tides of Magic
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2019


And we just added in all of their assets onto cards.

There are about 163 Etheremon and since we’re supporting each asset they all receive their own Tides of Magic card reference. We are not going to create a new faction for them like how we did for CryptoPunks or Axies, there are simply too many of them for that. Instead, we are going to use Etheremon's current class system to determine which pre-existing factions they would fall into.

We had mentioned in our last post that we just added a company filter so you can search assets by the game they originate from. This will help you If you are tickling to make an etheremon or cryptopunk themed deck.

We are really excited about this because this will put us at a current card total of 490 cards. We now have the most cards of any card game on the blockchain.

Just look at how many etheremon there are alone.

Right now we are converting all these names, descriptions and effects into our code. We’ll likely be done with that in a day or two. We move fast.

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