A quick update on progress at Tidl, and a sneak peek!

Published in
1 min readSep 15, 2016

Here’s a quick update on our progress and what we’ve been upto!

The featured image is a sneak peek at what we’re creating for v2.0 of Tidl. We’ve been listening to your suggestions and feel that the upcoming updates really pull Tidl together as a next generation hiring platform and personal development tool that’s more #data-driven, #smarter and uses just the right amount of #AI to make it seem almost like magic!

But to make these changes happen we’ll be putting the platform back on beta for a while.

What does this mean for current users?

You’ll be able to access your current profile as usual via the login link, and maybe even try out the new features as we release them! And, as an added bonus your 6 month premium memberships would also be renewed once v2.0 is released as a thank you for being a part of this journey.

We hope you’re as excited as we are!

– Team Tidl

