Tidl 1.0 — Stepping out of Beta

Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2016

For the past few weeks we’ve been busy re-building Tidl from the inside out. And version 1.0 is finally ready. Feedback from hundreds of users now sets is in course towards building upto a professional platform that creates real value for its users.

A lot of version 1.0 is about upgrading your user experience on Tidl and making the use of the service simpler and smarter.

Here’s what we’ve rolled out to everyone, for free.

All the new & updated features in Tidl 1.0:

Udara on Tidl — https://tidl.es/udara


You may never notice it, but the new resume layout is live updating and powered by React; a front-end framework that allows for faster loading and better presentation of your combined talent.


Long overdue but, you can finally add eduction to your profiles. They can also be linked to your work and university profiles.

Company Profiles

Version 1.0 brings with it the new company profile editor. A comprehensive dashboard to manage your company page on Tidl.

The new React JS powered dashboard

New Dashboard

The face of Tidl once you’re logged in. The dashboard in 1.0 was re-developed from the ground up using React; making it faster and more efficient. It’s one of the most important pages of our application and we’re consantly tweaking it with features like recommendations, tips, introductions and, more.

Updated Editor

We’ve updated all of Tidl’s editors across the board. Moments, resumes and companies now come with a new and better editor (hope you love markdown).

Moments are now Highlights!

While the initial concept of moments remains the same they’re now called Highlights. We believe the term highlights better represents the work, photographs or anything else you may want to share on Tidl.

New style for Highlights with an activity feed

Activity feed

We’re testing out activity feeds for moments and profiles so you can have a better idea of your performance on Tidl.


You can now also attach multiple images to your Highlights. In the near future we also hope to expand attachments to include presentations, videos, PDFs and audio files.


Our initial idea for impressions was synonymous with your typical ‘like’ button. But we felt it does’t carry much value for our users, so we merged it with our comments system. Inorder to say you’re impressed by someones work, skills or experience you must also leave a small thought or comment alongside it.

What’s next?

As we continue to further improve and refine Tidl our team is ramping up to start focusing on the Tidl community. Hope to be engaged by our team to help you make connections, receive introductions and build better professional profiles for yourself on Tidl.

Feedback & thoughts?

Please do feel free to respond here or email me at udara@tidl.es, we’re dedicated to building a professional network that builds real value for our users.

Create your professional profile for free at https://tidl.es

