Video: Walt Disney World College Program

Tidy Kingdom
Tidy Kingdom
Published in
1 min readMar 13, 2017

For those who know me, there’s at least one thing they know for sure: I’m a Disney fan.

When, almost 9 year ago, I realised I had the chance to work for Disney World for 6 months, I didn’t think twice: I applied.

Going wasn’t an easy decision. I’ll write a little bit more about this on a future post. But it was one of the best decisions of my life.

I worked for a company I loved, highly respect and respected me back. Worked a job that kept me wanting to wake up every morning and get to work. I remember those days with so much love and so much saudade*.

Do you want to know why?

Here are 10 reasons why integrating the College Program was one of the best decisions of my life.

*a Portuguese word for: feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia



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(This article was originally posted on



Tidy Kingdom
Tidy Kingdom

All those little bits of me compiled in my happy tidy kingdom. Let’s travel, eat and organise together.