Celebrate Your Wins

Isaak Dury
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2019

How to Build Great Teams — Part 5/5

In the world of psychology, it is also referred to as positive reinforcement.

People feed off the of the “feel good” emotions that celebrating invokes and it makes them want more.

They are hooked.

And they are more likely to work at finding ways to achieve that celebratory moment again.

So find ways to give them more.

Celebrating when your team does well, hits a target or completes a new project reinforces the cycle that all their hard work has paid off.

It was worth it.

There are many ways to create a celebration — and it doesn’t always have to look like a well-executed office party. Find something that works for your team.

Things like a simple high-five, congratulations, “good job,” and encouraging statement at the next staff meeting can go a long way in not only highlighting what was achieved but also showing appreciation for what was accomplished.

Celebrations can also look like a fun night out with the team, financial bonuses, or an extended morning tea spread in the break room. It can cost as much or as little as what makes sense for your team.

Then, of course, there is the classic party celebration. Use this tactic for significant progress or an annual get-together to signify the passing of another year.

Pitch ideas to your team, plan how you will celebrate once a target is hit. Give your team the motivation to continue giving their best in all they do. And if your skillset is not in the realm of planning parties, find those in your team who can get it done.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of celebration. Celebrating your wins does more than making the hard work worth it. It unifies your team and doubles as an appreciation tactic for all they do. And what better way to build a great team than to have a toast to all they do?

TidyHQ is a membership platform built from the frustration of being on various committees and seeing how memberships are handled. There are now 12,000 administrators in over 40 countries using TidyHQ.com to run smarter community organisations. 🚀



Isaak Dury
Editor for

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.