Debrief Regularly

Isaak Dury
Published in
2 min readMar 8, 2019

How to Build Great Teams — Part 4/5

Debriefing is one of the most commonly overlooked processes of team development. And yet it can be absolutely critical for taking your team to the next level.

It is not just during times of trial and conflict where debriefing is necessary. Debriefing should be utilised regularly to give your team a moment to reflect and refocus.

And that’s the key right there — debriefing your team can take a mere moment from your day.

Think of it like checking in. But not the fake obligatory “how are you” that inevitably results with a standard reply that gives no depth or indication that anything could be amiss.

Really check in.

Be present.

Ask questions because you genuinely want to hear the answer.

And then take the time to listen. It’s here that you will find the key to growth and development.

Debrief over coffee. Go for a walk. Schedule time in your diary to review the week. Make it as casual or as structured as what suits your team.

Decide what it means to debrief amongst your team. Plan what key events will regularly need to be debriefed. Create processes around what needs to happen, what questions need to be asked and who else may need to be involved.

Most of all, don’t do it all on your own.

Get your team involved in developing a debrief culture and find solutions for external support to have on hand when needed. And then acknowledge that what works for one person may not work for another.

Make debriefing as fluid and unique as your team itself.

TidyHQ is a membership platform built from the frustration of being on various committees and seeing how memberships are handled. There are now 12,000 administrators in over 40 countries using to run smarter community organisations. 🚀



Isaak Dury
Editor for

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.