Emails for Roles

Isaak Dury
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2016

We are aware that for many committee members, the thought of adding yet another email address to the list of things in need of doing seems tedious. We also know that for many community groups, ensuring a successful handover from one committee generation to the next can be a worry.

However, running an organisation with a myriad of private and work emails can make the handover unnecessarily difficult. Moreover, having Role-assigned email addresses not only allows for a simpler handover, but it gives an organisation a sense of professionalism.

That’s why we’ve come up with a simple solution to ensure you’ll look like a pro, while having to do minimal work.

With a few steps, we’l link your User Role email address (which is transferable to anyone at any time), to the email address of your choice. That way, all emails sent to your committee member email address will be immediately forwarded to your general email.

Imagine that I, Isaak, am assigned the Role of President of my club. I am assigned the email address All emails sent to this email will bounce to my primary email address listed in my Contact Profile. Super simple, right?

This way, when the time comes for the handover of the committee torch to the next generation, the same User Role email addresses will be valid and recognisable within your organisation. The only difference being that they will be forwarded to the primary email addresses of the new administrators.

Some of our organisations are also using their own domain with email redirects ie. setup to bounce to which then gets pushed to that Users own primary email address.



Isaak Dury
Editor for

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.