Lateral Conversations: Solving the right problem

Jordon Hughes
Published in
2 min readOct 27, 2017

Everything we build has a goal: solve a real problem for people. We love solving problems. So when we think we’ve solved one it’s natural to want our idea to come to life as quickly as possible. When this happens, there’s a massive risk of solving not only the wrong thing but solving it in the wrong way.

But if we take a step back, and focus on thinking laterally, there’s a greater opportunity to find the right problem to solve. We can look past the first solution, stop from diving into something vertically, and focus on finding the right problem.

Defining the right problem allows you to prioritise and focus on what’s important. When there’s a clear focus those 50/50 decisions are no longer debated. It becomes obvious what ideas are worth keeping and which ones you shouldn’t get attached to.

Don’t dive too deep too soon.

It’s easy to get attached to your solutions and fall into thinking vertically. Diving deep like this kills the ability to pause and reflect. Thinking laterally lets you see the many possible solutions available and helps you slow down. It becomes clear that there’s many ways to solve a single problem and that getting attached to ideas limits your ability to solve a problem the right way.

The next time you get enthusiastic about that incredible idea you had in shower this morning, slow down. Don’t go too deep too soon, don’t go vertical. Do think laterally, do see the bigger picture.

