Run Better Committee Meetings

Mathilde Wennevold
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017

Let’s say it people, running a committee is hard work. Here at TidyHQ, we strive to make it a whole lot easier.

After a quick Google search on how to run a committee meeting, the second most popular search phrase was “How to run a committee without getting lynched.” It turns out it’s a common fear for many people who’ve put their hand up to take on their team’s responsibilities.

If done poorly, meetings can lead to frustration and responsibility-evading within the committee, which can have detrimental effects on their team.

Meetings done well, however, makes being part of a committee rewarding, enriching and exciting, which can in turn inspire real change within the greater team.

“Meetings are at the heart of an effective organisation, and each meeting is an opportunity to clarify issues, set new directions, sharpen focus, create alignment, and move objectives forward.” ― Paul Axtell

At TidyHQ we believe that good meeting management can be simple and we believe it can be taught. Therefore we’ve gathered simple and straightforward tips and tools for you to ensure that your team is connected and happy and that your meetings are run more efficiently.

Over the course of the following weeks we will put forward our committee meeting improvement tips and tools. A bootcamp if you will, for all those who wish to up their committee meeting game.

We will tell why shared responsibility is a vital part to a healthy meeting culture, and how a tight agenda will give you the most bang for your buck.

We will teach you how to ensure greater transparency within your organisation with a few simple steps.

We’ll tell you why solid meeting minutes is a solution to a number of team concerns such as transparency and archiving and allows for super simple handovers from one committee generation to the next.

We’ll show you how to improve attendance and why successful chairing is oh-so important.

In short we’ll let you in on our very favourite strategies for keeping teams happy and inspired. Simple as that.

Here at TidyHQ our measure of success is seeing our platform full of successful and happy teams, which is why we’re so excited to share this series of blog posts with you. We believe that a successful you is a successful TidyHQ.

