Strategic meetings have been happening as long as there have been campfires 🏕

Run Strategic Meetings

Isaak Dury
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2019


How to Run Successful Meetings — Part 2/4

A meeting without strategic direction is an ineffective one. By being strategic with your meetings, you will maximise your productivity and achieve more with your team.

The key to a strategic meeting is the Five W’s of Who, What, Where Why and When.

1. Why

The most important question to answer is why you need to run (or attend) a meeting. What do you aim to achieve with a meeting? What is the purpose of taking the time to meet with your team? What will you get out of it? Why should anyone else make the meeting a priority?

Know the why.

2. What

To run a successful meeting, you need to know what the meeting will be about. What topics will be discussed? What questions need to be answered? What tasks need to be assigned?

Think about the style of the meeting. Will this be a brainstorm session with your team? Will the meeting be in a multimedia format where specific equipment is required? Will your team need to bring anything with them or just turn up?

Know the what.

3. Who

A successful meeting carefully selects specific people to be present at the meeting. This ensures the meeting is relevant to those involved and will be effective at achieving the initial “why.”

It is also essential to decide what (if any) roles need to be fulfilled. Who will record meeting minutes? Who will lead the meeting? Are there other roles to be filled?

Know the who.

4. When

Time is of the essence.

When a meeting occurs is as important as how long a meeting will last. Never waste your time (or anyone else’s) with lengthy meetings that go nowhere. Will the meeting be a one-off or a regular occurrence? If the meeting will happen regularly, how often is necessary?

Know the when.

5. Where

Do you need a private room or can you meet at a café? Do you need the team to sit, or could you have a walking meeting outside? Will you need space to show a presentation, video or use other multimedia devices?

Know the where.

A strategic meeting does not require a large, formal plan before your walk through the door. The strategy for your meetings may only take a couple minutes to sort, but by running through these questions, you will maximise the potential of your team, ultimately helping you reach your goals quicker.

TidyHQ is a membership platform built from the frustration of being on various committees and seeing how memberships are handled. There are now 12,000 administrators in over 40 countries using to run smarter community organisations. 🚀



Isaak Dury

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.