Show Appreciation

Isaak Dury
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

How to Build Great Teams — Part 3/5 🎉

This isn’t merely a task you can check off your never-ending to-do list.

Appreciation is one of the foundational cornerstones to building a great team.

It is what gives your team direction.

It is what gives your team continued motivation

It is what gives your team a deep sense of loyalty and unity.

Appreciation is the key to greatness regardless if your team exists in the corporate world, plays on a sporting field or is a group of enthusiastic volunteers. And yet, it is often overlooked, underused and even misunderstood.

There is no right or wrong way to show appreciation, only that you do. Here are some tips on how you can elevate your team to the next level just by acknowledging the good that they do.

1. Start with words.

A simple “thank you” goes a long way. Take time to verbally acknowledge someone’s hard work, their great idea or their initiative to solve a problem and get things done.

2. Offer help or support.

Don’t expect your team to have it all together all the time. Suggest solutions to help individuals work together. Promote the idea of mental health days when stress is at an all-time high. Look for ways to create a positive work-life balance so your team can continue giving you their best.

3. Take time to listen.

Put down that phone and pay attention. What is your team telling you? Where are the issues? What solutions have been shared but not acted on?

4. Have something to eat.

Bring a plate of cookies to work, have a shared lunch day, have a roof shout or do after work drinks with the team. Food and drink are one of the easiest ways to show appreciation.

5. Plan moments to connect (or reconnect).

Find out when your team has birthdays and then take the time to celebrate them. Notice when a team member is struggling and take them out for coffee. Have a regular fun night to go out bowling or do something together that is not work-related.

5. Write a letter (the old fashioned way).

Take the time to get a pen and paper and write a letter to someone expressing your thanks and appreciation — it doesn’t take much and because it’s so seldom done in this day and age it’s often more greatly appreciated.

Appreciation can (and should) be a regular occurrence amongst your team. Lead by example and start small. The more your team appreciates each other, the stronger you will be together.

Photo by Debby Hudson

TidyHQ is a membership platform built from the frustration of being on various committees and seeing how memberships are handled. There are now 12,000 administrators in over 40 countries using to run smarter community organisations. 🚀



Isaak Dury
Editor for

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.