Tidy Events are here

Isaak Dury
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2017

Running a great event is arguably the reason you run your organisation. Your tribe got together because you had similar interests, or ideas and wanted to pursue a common goal. The moment where everything and everyone can come together usually revolves around a meeting or an event.

While we recently relaunched our Meetings functionality we also realised that Meetings are more often than not an internal process. They’re not typically for outsiders, so while we’re tremendously proud of what we built we knew the next improvement had to be Events.

For an event to be successful it requires that the administrator or event co-ordinator must have all of the tools at their disposal for their supporters to embrace the possibility of further connecting with them. We in turn, took this opportunity to build something significant and something that will genuinely improve the way events can be run and managed.

The Agenda

We have always had the ability to run events through the platform, the initial requirement was simply that I wanted to sell tickets for a corporate lunch that I had little idea on how to run —it needed to sync with my finances and allow me to share with other administrators in my organisation and easily duplicate for next year.

Over the five years since then we have made many discoveries and received hundreds of pieces of feedback. We have seen everything from busy-bee working groups at local schools to United Nations running national agendas on the platform. One size rarely fits all, and to be blunt we at first tried to chew off more than we could handle, it has been a constant process of collection, review, reflection, refinement which we have kept repeating over the last 6+ months.

The Goals

Our hope is that with our new Events functionality it will be easier for you to establish an event, with many of the variations you may have around collecting information from attendees through to how easy it is for a customer to land on the event page and purchase a ticket as quickly as possible.

We often use a jobs to be done framework when outlining what we are wanting to achieve. ‘Job’ is shorthand for what an individual really seeks to accomplish in a given circumstance.

For Events we have multiple stakeholders that all have different jobs when interacting with an event. The event manager wants to establish the event with all of its details. The finance manager wants to make sure they are tracking who has paid and who is yet to pay. Other volunteers who are helping to facilitate the event want to know what Tasks need to be and have been done and finally, and perhaps most importantly their supporter or customer needs to be able to find the event and register as easily as possible.

When thinking of the above jobs, it is critical that we keep in mind the ‘reality’ of how and when these happens — we imagine it isn’t when they are in a state of zen in front of a computer, reality tends to tell us that doing the above activities is while folks are also juggling several other things, like organising the kids, having a day job, paying bills, remembering to call your mother and all of the other things that unfortunately make you ‘busy’.

The Details

We thought long and hard about what are the most important aspects to get setup immediately and what areas are usually reserved for the power users.

TidyHQ is designed for all of your administrators so Events lets you collaborate with one person or many people to create and edit events. Administrators can work from across town or on the other side of the world.

Creating a powerful, personal, beautiful event is easier than ever for the administrator.

All of the power with Membership specific event tickets has now gotten more personal and more powerful. There is so much to say about Event Ticketing but here are a few of my favourite things. You can be specific with collecting Buyer or Attendees information. Limit ticket numbers based on the venue limitation, or specific ticket types.

Restrict tickets, early bird tickets, you name it, you can just about do it.

Transactions are recorded against the event, the buyer and all reconciled automatically for you within your finance reports.

Event specific Tasks can be created and tracked so you know exactly what needs to get done to make for a successful event.

Share your event to where your members and supporters already are, email, Facebook, Twitter or anywhere else. Go to where the people are.

Beautiful events in only a few clicks.

Let’s change the world

The desire to witness an organisation build and grow their community fuels TidyHQ and we look forward to being a part of your growth. Life is too short to be mediocre.

Community minded tribes are changing our world, the community that you are building we believe makes the world a better place to live in for your community. You can and do literally change the world.

Facilitating better events and the increased ability to connect with your supporters is a critical component for your organisation. Making sure that is as easy as possible for you is what we’re happy to provide you with Events.

To become a TidyHQ organisations sign up at TidyHQ.com.



Isaak Dury
Editor for

CEO and Founder of @TIDYHQAPP. Becoming more precious about time.