Chainpoint Launches on Microsoft Logic Apps and Microsoft Flow

Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2019

Chainpoint is now available on Microsoft Logic Apps and Microsoft Flow. Developers can anchor data to Bitcoin when creating workflows between enterprise systems and popular applications, including Salesforce, Office 365, Twitter, Dropbox, and Google services.

Chainpoint lets developers anchor data to the Bitcoin blockchain and create a timestamp proof. Anyone with a Chainpoint proof can verify the existence, integrity, and timestamp of data. This capability is particularly useful in regulated industries such as healthcare, financial services, and supply chain.

Our team at Tierion has collaborated with Microsoft for over a year, and we’re thrilled to finally launch Chainpoint on these two popular Microsoft platforms.

Wayne Vaughan
CEO, Tierion

Chainpoint on Microsoft Logic Apps

Enterprise customers use Logic Apps to connect business-critical apps and services. A powerful visual editor lets developers create automated workflows. Below is an example of a Logic App that takes in data, creates a Chainpoint Proof, and posts a message to Slack when the proof is completed.

Chainpoint makes it easy for any Logic App workflow to include steps to anchor data to Bitcoin and generate a timestamp proof. Here are three examples that demonstrate how a Chainpoint Connector could be used within a Logic App workflow.

Example #1 — Supply Chain

It’s important to prove the integrity and timestamp of data collected as goods move through a supply chain. Companies can use the Chainpoint Logic App Connector to create a Chainpoint proof at each step of a supply chain workflow.

Example #2 — Timestamp Data & Documents

Developers can use the Chainpoint Connector to timestamp data and documents that are collected as part of a workflows such as KYC/AML, loan applications, and insurance claims.

Example #3 — Clinical Trials

Developers can use Chainpoint to create data integrity proofs for information collected from patients and labs throughout each step of the clinical trial process.

If you’re a developer that’s currently using Microsoft Logic Apps, you can add Chainpoint to your existing workflows by searching for the Chainpoint connector. New developers can explore using Logic Apps by signing up for a free Azure account.

Microsoft Logic App Resources

Chainpoint on Microsoft Flow

Developers use Microsoft Flow to create automated workflows using connectors to over 200 popular applications. We’re thrilled that Chainpoint is the first Bitcoin related connector available on Microsoft Flow! Developers can sign up for a free Microsoft Flow account and get started by searching for the Chainpoint connector.

Thank You Microsoft

We’d like to thank the team at Microsoft for helping design and setup the infrastructure for running Chainpoint Nodes on Microsoft’s Azure cloud.

About Chainpoint

Chainpoint lets software developers link data to the blockchain and create a timestamp proof, which can be used to prove the data is linked to a point on the chain — hence the name Chainpoint. Developers can learn more about Chainpoint by visiting the web site or GitHub.

