Chainpoint Network Update — June 2018

Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2018

With the next software release, Chainpoint Nodes will be able to join the Chainpoint Network at any time so long as they meet the minimum requirements. There will be no future registration events. This change will take effect with the upcoming launch of Chainpoint Node 1.5.0, which will be published to Github next week.

Chainpoint Node — Frequently Asked Questions
Chainpoint Node — Changelog

Version 1.5.0 restores the ability to join the network at any time. Companies can run private nodes without waiting for a registration event, and developers interested in Chainpoint can setup a node right away. This improvement to the node operating experience will further accelerate the adoption of Chainpoint.

Our goal is to build a global proof engine. We’ve made tremendous progress on what will be a multi-year mission that involves an extended community of node operators, developers, and organizations.

Chainpoint Node Operator Survey

Please take five minutes to participate in our Chainpoint Node Operator survey. Some ideas from early responses:

  • Better tools for managing multiple nodes
  • Changes to the staking, audit, and rewards process
  • Improvements to the Node UI

We’ll share the survey results in a future blog post.

Calendar Optimizations

The Chainpoint Calendar now grows at 33% of the previous rate. This reduces the amount of bandwidth and disk space nodes need to download Calendar data. Chainpoint Nodes now have to download no more than 1.7GB of data per year to fully verify every Chainpoint proof created by the network.

Public & Private Chainpoint Nodes

Public nodes are accessible to the public via a discovery service. Collectively, these nodes perform work, deliver a public service, and are eligible for rewards. The rewards queue has been operating since April, 11th 2018. The Chainpoint Wiki on Github has a full description of the Chainpoint Network Reward Queue Rules.

Private nodes are used by their owners to create and verify Chainpoint proofs. These nodes are not part of the discovery service and are not eligible to receive rewards. Users run a private node simply by excluding a public IP address from their .env file.

Both private and public nodes must maintain a minimum TNT balance to join the network and send hashes to Core.

How To Upgrade a Chainpoint Node

The command ‘make upgrade’ will upgrade and restart a Chainpoint Node.
IMPORTANT: Nodes must upgrade to 1.5.0 to be eligible for rewards.

How to upgrade a Chainpoint Node

Chainpoint API Tutorial

Want to build something with Chainpoint? Here’s a guide that shows how to use a Chainpoint Node’s API to create a Chainpoint proof. You can use any programming language that supports HTTP calls.

Chainpoint Javascript Client

This javascript client can be used in both Browser and Node.js based Javascript applications using callback functions, Promises (using .then, .catch), or Promises (using async/await) functional styles.

We’ve created a live code notebook on Runkit that demonstrates how to use the client. Developers are encouraged to submit any issues to the Chainpoint Client Github repo.


Stay Updated

Follow Chainpoint development on Github. Anyone can submit an issue or pull request. Keep up to date by following Tierion on Twitter. Tierion’s Discord Community is one of the best places learn about Chainpoint and get answers to your questions.

