Chainpoint Node 1.5.3 Release Notes

Published in
3 min readAug 20, 2018

Chainpoint Node 1.5.3 is now available on Github. This release marks the biggest performance improvement yet. In testing, a single Chainpoint node created over 50 million proofs per day!

Speed & Scalability

Our goal is to have a lean and stable Chainpoint Node that performs well on modest hardware. To reach this goal, we’ve rearchitected how nodes store data, and migrated from Redis and PostgreSQL to RocksDB. The release of Chainpoint Node 1.5.3 completes this migration.

RocksDB is an open source database that’s optimized for fast storage. The performance improvements from migrating to RocksDB are impressive. Testing of Chainpoint Node 1.5.3 was conducted using a Digital Ocean Standard Droplet with the following specs:

  • 2 vCPUs
  • 2GB RAM

A single Chainpoint Node with this modest hardware configuration was able to receive over 1,000 hashes per second and return over 600 proofs per second. In a hybrid test where the node simultaneously received hashes and requests for proofs, the node was able to receive over 250 hashes per second and return over 500 proofs per second.

Why Is Performance Important?

Different types of users have different ways of using Chainpoint. For example, private node operators need confidence that their nodes can handle the load of their use case. By contrast, public node operators often want a node to perform on low-end hardware.

How To Upgrade a Chainpoint Node

The command ‘make upgrade’ will upgrade and restart a Chainpoint Node. IMPORTANT: Nodes must upgrade to 1.5.3 by Monday, August 27th at 12:00 PDT (19:00 UTC) to be eligible for rewards.

Chainpoint Node upgrade

Chainpoint 1.5.3 Release Notes

Chainpoint Node — Full Changelog
Chainpoint Node — Frequently Asked Questions


  • Migrate all PostgreSQL data to RocksDB, remove data from PostgreSQL. Redis and PostgreSQL containers will be removed in a future release.
  • No longer start chainpoint-ntpd if timesyncd or ntpd is detected on Linux, or timed, or pacemaker on macOS.
  • Perform backups of Auth (HMAC) keys to keys/backups directory automatically on Node registration or restart. Removed make backup-auth-keys target.
  • Removed Redis and PostgreSQL related make targets.


  • Send a User-Agent string with upstream requests.


  • Updated NPM dependencies.

Build Something With Chainpoint

Want to build something with Chainpoint? Here’s a guide that shows how to use a Chainpoint Node’s API to create a Chainpoint proof. You can use any programming language that supports HTTP calls.

Chainpoint Javascript Client

This javascript client can be used in both Browser and Node.js based Javascript applications using callback functions, Promises (using .then, .catch), or Promises (using async/await) functional styles.

We’ve created a live code notebook on Runkit that demonstrates how to use the client. Developers are encouraged to submit any issues to the Chainpoint Client Github repo.


Stay Updated

Follow Chainpoint development on Github. Anyone can submit an issue or pull request. Keep up to date by following Tierion on Twitter. The Tierion Discord Community is one of the best places learn about Chainpoint and get answers to your questions.

