Jungla Uses Chainpoint To Improve The Auditability of Genetic Data

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2 min readDec 10, 2018

Jungla uses Chainpoint to guarantee their clinical evidence for genetic tests is auditable, accurate, and performant. Tierion CEO Wayne Vaughan and Jungla Cofounder and Lead of Technical Development Alexandre Colavin discuss Jungla’s integration with Chainpoint.

What is Jungla?

Jungla leverages state-of-the-art computational and experimental approaches to systematically generate, quality-control, validate, and distribute support to the precision medicine industry. Jungla’s flagship product, the Molecular Evidence Platform (MEP) helps clinicians and patients understand the results of genetic and genomic tests. Jungla recently announced a collaboration with Hewlett Packard Enterprise to enable real-time personalized medical care for patients. In 2016, Jungla raised a $2.5m Seed round led by Andreessen Horowitz.

How does Jungla use Chainpoint?

Jungla anchors their genetic evidence and predictions using proprietary methods to the Bitcoin blockchain using Chainpoint. This allows Jungla customers to prospectively verify the performance of Jungla’s molecular predictions against evidence published after the predictions were made.

Implementing Chainpoint was easier than implementing the Twitter API.

- Alex Colavin, Jungla CTO

Jungla represents one of many uses of Chainpoint for safeguarding data in the healthcare, clinical data, and pharmaceutical industries.

About Chainpoint

Chainpoint lets software developers link data to the blockchain and generate a timestamp proof, which can be used to prove the data is linked to a point on the chain — hence the name Chainpoint. Software developers can learn more about Chainpoint by visiting the web site or GitHub repo.

