Tierion Network Update — February 4, 2018

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

Chainpoint API Tutorial

Our team created a guide that shows how to use a Chainpoint Node’s API to create a Chainpoint proof. Each Chainpoint Node has a HTTP API. You can interact with Nodes using any programming language that supports HTTP calls.

For more complex scenarios we recommend using a client library such as chainpoint-client-js. We’re excited about the number of projects that are using Chainpoint. We look forward to sharing them with you in the coming weeks.

Tierion Discord

Tierion’s Discord Community is live! With over 4,000 members in Tierion’s Telegram channels, it can be difficult to follow the conversation. Discord makes it easier to segment discussions into multiple topics. Join us!

Tierion’s Discord community is now live.

We’re Hiring

Tierion has several openings for experienced developers to join our team in San Francisco. Our toolchain is based on Node.js, CockroachDB, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, and Consul. Everything is glued together with Docker, Docker Compose, and Kubernetes.

Follow Chainpoint development on Github. Keep up to date by following Tierion on Twitter.

